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Community Organizations World Wildlife Fund
World Wildlife Fund
World Wildlife Fund
Non-profit organization


Adepte d'une philosophie basée sur le dialogue et le respect de l'autre, le WWF oeuvre quotidiennement pour que dans un avenir proche, le développement humain puisse se faire en harmonie avec la nature.



Displaying 31 - 35 of 61

Connecting Household and Farm Level Livelihoods to Landscape Protection and Indigenous Peoples Development,con


Sozioökonomische Stärkung ökologisch orientierter Minderheiten in Palawan, Fortführung


Das Projekt trägt mittels Sicherung der natürlichen Lebensgrundlage und Landrechten, der nachhaltigen Lebensmittelproduktion sowie der Vermarktung etwaiger Überschüsse zur Verbesserung der Lebenssituation von indigenen Gemeinschaften im Süden Palawans bei.

Multinational - Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Zambezi River Bas


This intervention concerns the Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Zambezi River Basin (PIDACC Zambezi). It aims to strengthen regional cooperation in building the resilience of the Zambezi River Basin communities to climatic and economic shocks, through promoting inclusive, transformative investments, job-creation, and ecosystem-based solutions. The Programme approach is to bring interventions to build communities’ resilience to climate change and improve livelihoods, in selected (i) ZAMCOM Hotspots areas, and (ii) lower-level administrative decision-making units. It is exceptionally designed to strengthen the resilience of social and physical infrastructure, improve the adaptive capacities of communities as well as generate additional greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction benefits. The programme consists of four components and associated sub-components, namely: (i) Component 1 - Strengthening Integrated Natural Resources Management; ii) Component 2 - Building Communities’ Resilience to Climate Change; iii) Component 3 - Supporting Adaptive Capacity and Institutional Skills Development; iv) Component 4 - Programme Coordination and Management.


PIDACC Zambezi’s development objective is to strengthen regional cooperation in building the resilience of the Zambezi River Basin communities to climatic and economic shocks, through promoting inclusive, transformative investments, job-creation, and ecosystem-based solutions. Specific objectives are to (i) strengthen the institutional capacities and mechanisms for coordination of Basin monitoring, planning, and management, (ii) increase demand-driven community-level feasible climate resilient infrastructure that would support livelihoods, (iii) develop and improve livelihoods, including job creation, by strengthening agribusiness through investments in water & sanitation, energy, human capital, and agriculture sectors, (iv) build capacity of communities with the view to avoid, reduce and reverse land degradation and effectively manage water resources in a sustainable manner, and (v) enhance institutional development and adaptive capacity in order to reduce vulnerabilities.

Target Groups

The Programme will directly benefit about 800,000 (60% women and 10% youth) with hotspot areas, and indirectly the whole population, by improving their access to water, climate smart agricultural technologies, and community level infrastructure for irrigation and markets, resulting in improved livelihoods. The associated benefits will accrue to inhabitants of the Basin through multi-sectoral utilization of shared water resources within the context of integrated land and water resources development and management, gender equality and social inclusion.

Seventh Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in Costa Rica


To build the socio-ecological and economic resilience of the Jesus Maria and Barranca watersheds, the lower and middle watershed of the Grande de Tarcoles river and the Paso Las Lapas Biological Corridor in Costa Rica through community-based initiatives for global environmental benefits and sustainable development.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The GEF SGP Costa Rica Country Programme will tackle the root causes of biodiversity loss in five prioritised landscapes covering approximately 199,627 hectares. These include the three most degraded watersheds in Costa Rica (Jesus María, Barranca and Tarcoles), and two Biological Corridors (Paso Las Lapas and Montes de Aguacate). These landscapes present historical environmental challenges with regards to biodiversity loss, climate change and land degradation, whereby soil erosion and soil loss has been traditionally exacerbated by inappropriate farming practices, especially on steep slopes exposed to intense rainfall and run-off. More notably, extensive cattle ranching in the Paso Las Lapas Biological Corridor, especially on exposed, steep slopes has led to landslides and slumps, soil loss and threatens ecological recovery. The Project Objective is to “build the socio-ecological and economic resilience of the Jesus Maria and Barranca watersheds, the lower and middle watershed of the Grande de Tarcoles river and the Paso Las Lapas Biological Corridor in Costa Rica through community-based initiatives for global environmental benefits and sustainable development”. Through the support provided by SGP and the mobilization of resources to community groups engaged in the implementation of projects, both MAG and MINAE, through their network of regional agencies, are able to provide long-term and concrete technical support to these local actors, by developing tailored strategies at a farm level, continual training and technical assistance, including training manuals and methodologies, and by facilitating exchanges, and elevating the effectiveness, impact and sustainability of individual projects. Overall, the objective is to benefit 3,000 persons (1,500 men and 1,500 women) and their families and other community members from ostensibly rural communities through developing organizational, administrative and technical capacities, value chain strategies and increased market access, towards increased adaptive management skills and build social and ecological reliance. A particular focus is in youth and women. SGP, together with CADETI has also looked to strengthen multi-stakeholder platforms and strengthen strategic community participation and representation within these governance structures in the JMRB and BRB through the formalization of river basin Committees (one for each basin). GEF-7 will allow for the continual participation and monitoring of these, extracting lessons learned to be applied in the lower Tarcoles river commission. These governance platforms are essentially mechanisms for coordination at the landscape level, integrating formal institutional representatives, as well as NGOs, community groups, farmers’ associations and local government. Likewise, the Local Committees (COLAC) of each of the two Biological Corridors found within the intervention area, namely, Paso Las Lapas and Montes de Aguacate are multi-actor governance platforms involving community organisations and state institutions.

FLC: Human Rights Promotion and Implementation


-NGO Green Art Center is a local NGO established to contribute to sustainable development aims to increase citizens? awareness about the needs of the society improve living standards and living environment. Webpage www.greenartcenter.org. The organisation has gathered highly motivated proffesionals around with a common interets on environmental issues.-Kosovo is facing very serious environmental challenges in a broader sense and in particular concerning waste and land management. The situation is rather dif ficult in urban areas due to changed demographics and the pressure of migration from rural areas. This is reflected in unplanned construction a poorly managed urban environment and inefficient public services such as waste collection waste and wastewater treatment. Pollution from power plants and mining activities are adding to already difficult situation and pose serious threat to the health of citizens. -NGO GAC will train teaching staff and students on importance of 3R ? REDUCTION ? REUSE ? RECYCLING process in 10 elementary scools in Pristina. As the second result will be the creation of a common system in division and managing of waste in school premises. The other component of the project is establishing of young volunteers associatin ?Green Club Pr ishtina? on increasing the participation of active citizenship and identification of needs. During one year implementation of the project there will be outdoor activities organized with the aim to empower active citizenship in process of Environment protec tion.-One of the major expected results of the project is the increasing of capacities of 10953 students and 519 teachers in 10 elementary schools. These are the main beneficiaries of the project as well.GAC will implement the project in partnership with I nstitute for Sustainability and Development of Youth ? ISDY Kosovo.Project Overall Objective: Strengthening positive attitudes of community towards environmental protection Project Specific Objectives: a) Increased participation of young people and socie ty in environmental activities b) Strengthening of active citizenship in the process of environmental protection c) Creation of an implementational model for the initiation and implementation of a program to reduce re-use and recycling in in the 10 element ary schools in Pristina; d) Awareness of students teachers and society on the importance of process-reuse-recycle reducion;