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Community Organizations World Wildlife Fund
World Wildlife Fund
World Wildlife Fund
Non-profit organization


Adepte d'une philosophie basée sur le dialogue et le respect de l'autre, le WWF oeuvre quotidiennement pour que dans un avenir proche, le développement humain puisse se faire en harmonie avec la nature.



Displaying 41 - 45 of 61

Agriculture/Food Production Grant


Centro de Capacitao Zumbi dos Palmares (CCZP) will help beekeepers resettled in the semiarid region of Alagoas pursuant to Brazil's program of land reform transform subsistence honey production into a viable source of income by developing a processing facility and marketing strategies. The project will benefit 120 rural families directly and another 1,500 area residents indirectly.

Land and natural resource degradation neutrality and community vulnerability reduction in selected Miombo and


Project Objective: To initiate a transformational shift towards sustainable, integrated management of multi-use dryland landscapes in the Miombo-Mopane ecoregions of Angola (Okavango and Cunene river basins) based on Land Degradation Neutrality principles


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

1.Benefits407.The project will work towards the implementation and mainstreaming of sustainable and integrated approaches to the management of dryland landscapes and decision-making regarding land-use in selected landscapes in Angola. By scaling-up SLM and SFM best practices in priority landscapes in the south of the country, the project will have a transboundary focus and impact (Cunene basin) complementing existing interventions, which will in turn contribute to the achievement of both the project and the Impact Program main objectives.The strengthened national policy and capacity on LDN and the empowerment of stakeholders on SLM/SFM/LR/IWRM planning and implementation in combination with the establishment/strengthening of inclusive dryland commodity value chains will have a positive impact beyond the target landscapes.408.Global benefits from the project’s successful implementation will include:·The project will apply the LDN response hierarchy to 633,278 hectares of production systems located within the two target landscapes that cover 1.3 million hectares of Miombo-Mopane woodlands.·Carbon benefits: Through the land management strategy mentioned above, the project will both sequester carbon and avoid emissions in the AFOLU sector,totaling1,047,911tCO2-eq.·Co-benefit of GEF investment: At least 2,000 households, comprising approximately 10,000 individuals, will benefit directly from the GEF investment within the two project landscapes.409.Project activities will focus on enhancing key stakeholders’ capacity for handling spatial data, develop strategic partnerships, mobilizing finance, and conceiving projects, all related to SFM/SLM practices, creating conditions for collaborative landscape management. The project expects to train approximately 2000 land users in multiple locations across the landscapes of southern Angola (targeting at least 35% are women) with focus on skills development for SLM/SFM practices through the Farmer Field Schools and Forest Farm Facility approaches as applicable. Within the landscapes, the project expects to engage with 10,000 local stakeholders at the level of households. Efforts will be made to enlist the participation of female-headed and dual-headed households at higher rate than male-headed households (target 65% for female plus dual)410.SFM/SLM practices mainstreamed in the country:Principles and evidence-based best practices of SFM/SLM will be disseminated among project beneficiaries, including local communities and national institutions. By implementing activities related to it, the project will be able to reduce key policy barriers currently challenging the country’s enforcement to prevent causes of land degradation and will bring a positive long-term impact on a part of Angola where LD is the most critical issue.411.GreenValue chain development:The project foresees the strengthening of viable and sustainable promising value chains identified during the PPG process. Producer organizations will be able to participate in capacity building activities, as well as have access to finance and market mechanisms which will allow their business to develop. Therefore, it is also foreseen that the project, by contributing to the productivity and sustainability of agricultural practices and green value chain development, has the potential forindirectlycontributing to long-lasting improvement of livelihoods and food security, particularly in direct beneficiary communities of the demonstration landscapes.

Conservation of Tiger, Rhino, Elephants and Hoolock Gibbons in Kaziranga-Karb Anglong Landscape using PNRM App


It is the necessary to ensure alternative mode of protection to habitats in Karbi Anglong Hills and the biological corridors to Kaziranga National Park as the indigenous Karbi tribe is not in favor of the creation of a Wildlife Sanctuary fearing loss of land rights and natural resources. Project will engage communities using traditional knowledge and appropriate technology to design sustainable and adaptive Participatory Natural Resources Management (PNRM) models for habitat conservation and reduce human disturbances. Beneficiaries will be trained for improved homestead agroforestry, sustainable harvest of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP), value addition and marketing of products. Project objectives are: (1) Inventory and mapping of NTFP in the River Basin that are potential for sustainable management and creating a baseline; (2) Participatory perspective plan for Natural Resource Management; (3) Develop natural resource based sustainable livelihood and entrepreneurship models involving 100 households to initiate habitat protection and improved quality of life; (4) Document the process and system of best practices for communication with wider communities and stakeholders; and, (5) Create awareness among communities and stakeholders about ecosystems health, PNRM, livelihoods and entrepreneurships.

WB Environment Services Project ESP - WB Environment Services Project (ESP)


The Project Development Objectives (PDO) are to support sustainable land management practices and increase communities’ monetary and non-monetary benefits, in targeted project areas which are mainly in erosion prone rural upland areas. Farmers and their forest and pasture users associations, action groups and individuals spanning 310 rural communes and 2980 villages in the country will benefit either directly or indirectly from the grant funds and other Project activities. Sida will provide an equivalent amount or 68,45 million SEK equal to the IBRD loan and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) will provide ca 20 million SEK. In total approx.160 million SEK will be administrated by the World Bank in a Trust Fund.



Bicknell's Thrush (BITH) is a neotropical migratory bird species whose population overwinters predominantly in the ..Dominican Republic where forest habitat is under threat from agricultural expansion and fire. With past NMBCA ..support, significant progress has been made in identifying and protecting critical habitat, managing that habitat, ..and restoring previously lost habitat for BITH in the DR. This project builds and expands upon those advances. ..This project will: 1) improve management of four key habitat areas by supporting park guard personnel, patrols, and ..boundary-marking 2) engage coffee and cacao farmers in Bird-Friendly production methods; 3) restore 73 hectares ..by planting more than 35,000 native trees and coffee plants, 3) monitor presence, and distribution of BITH and other ..Partners in Flight priority migratory species; and 4) conduct land tenure studies to explore opportunities for expanding ..land protection. With matching funds, we will: 1) hire 7 new park guards, and maintain 11 existing guards and two ..reserve managers; 2) build a new guard station 3) create a new 7.5 hectare private reserve; and 4) build capacity in ..our partner through construction of an ecotourism facility and a fundraising/educational event.