Our Vision is to be a world-class university committed to scholarly excellence.
Our Mission is to provide quality university education and training and to embody the aspirations of the Kenyan people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge.
Core Values
In order to realize the above vision and mission, certain shared values shall be nurtured. There is great need for the University to be guided by the right values derived from the virtues and moral standards of the Kenyan and wider society.
Core Functions
Teaching and Learning: The university offers innovative , relevant and market driven academic programmes , both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels with inbuilt quality control systems the university also provides an environment and policy framework for undertaking high quality and relevant research
Displaying 36 - 40 of 298Use of Remote Sensing in Analysis of Effects of Urban Sprawl on Agricultural Land.case Study: Kiambaa Sub-county
Urban Sprawl is the spreading out of a city and its suburbs over more and more rural land at the periphery of an urban area. This involves the conversion of rural land into built up, developed land over time. Sprawl is characterised by one or more existing patterns of development. Those most frequently mentioned are low-density, leapfrogging, distance to central facilities, dispersion of employment and residential development, and continuous strip development.
Factors Influencing Land Ownership by Women: Case of Khwisero Constituency, Kakamega County, Kenya
There has been progress in terms of legislation of land ownership and women rights on the same subject in Kenya and a number of Non-Governmental Organizations and Civil Society Organizations are in the fore front promoting women land ownership. It is noted that women play an integral part in food production for their families however, land tenure system in the rural areas discriminates against women hence very few women own land.
Addressing Past And Historical Land Injustice In Kenya: Article 67(2)(E) Of The Constitution And Section 5(1)(E) Of The National Land Commission Act
Land is in no doubt the most important asset in the lives of Kenyans. It is a factor of production which is core to the economic activities of this country. The advent of settlers and colonialism in East Africa placed land in a high level of importance than before. It is not a unique situation for Kenya. Wars have been fought world over with ownership of land and other resources associated with it being at the center of controversy.
Community empowerment through participatory resource assessment at Kathekakai settlement scheme, Machakos County, Kenya
Participatory mapping is a power tool in resource management. Through this exercise communities are able to identify changes in natural resources and make decision on how best to manage the change. The study analyzed changes in natural resources in Kathakakai settlement scheme, Machakos County using participatory resource mapping, with the aim to discuss possible effects. The area, which used to be a ranching enterprise for nearly a hundred years, was sub divided in 1995 into individual farm holdings with average farm size of 2.5 hectares per household.
Community perceptions on spatio-temporal land use changes in the Amboseli ecosystem, southern Kenya
Resource changes observed in rangeland ecosystems have triggered a myriad of ecological, social and economic dynamics, often with adverse implications on pastoral livelihoods. This study applied an integrated approach using local knowledge and spatial technologies to assess the long-term changes in pastoral resources and their implications to pastoral livelihoods in the Amboseli ecosystem in southern Kenya. Reduction in grazing land was perceived by the community to be the main change in pastoral resources that has occurred over the 40-year period.