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Countries Quênia related News


Displaying 13 - 24 of 224
25 Junho 2023
The Ogieks are divided into clans, they have their own language and their own social norms and forms of subsistence. As a hunter-gatherer community, the Ogiek have for centuries depended on the Mau Forest for their residence and as a source of livelihood. But in October 2009, the Kenya Forestry…
21 Junho 2023
Dans ce monde de plus en plus complexe, nous avons besoin de stratégies innovantes pour répondre aux nouveaux défis. C’est pourquoi le FIDA utilise systématiquement les outils et technologies les plus récentes pour concevoir et mettre en œuvre des programmes au service des populations rurales.…
16 Junho 2023
©PAM/Alessandro Abbonizio (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED) En garantissant l’égalité dans le domaine des droits fonciers, nous protégeons la terre et faisons progresser l’égalité des genres, a déclaré le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, António Guterres, dans un message vidéo, exhortant tous les gouvernements à…
15 Junho 2023
Photo par RRI (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 (link is external)) Washington, D. C. (15 juin 2023) — D’après un nouveau rapport de l’Initiative des droits et ressources (RRI), les législations nationales actuelles permettraient de reconnaître la propriété et le contrôle des peuples autochtones, des peuples…
23 Maio 2023
  Cyclists on the Kenyatta family-owned 10,000-acre Gicheha Farm in Ruiru, Kiambu County. On 27 March, 2023 a section of the farm was invaded by youths hired allegedly by senior government officials. (Photo courtesy: Brookside Dairy). Northlands. An expansive undulating plateau on the outskirts…
22 Janeiro 2023
La consommation d’avocats a crû en 2022, notamment en Europe où le fruit tropical a la cote depuis une quinzaine d’années. Faut-il s’en inquiéter ? La culture de l’avocat n’a pas toujours bonne presse, notamment sur le volet environnemental. Au Mexique, son expansion se fait en partie sur les…
12 Dezembro 2022
Data limite: 31-Dez-22   O objetivo do projeto é abordar a desigualdade de gênero e o empoderamento econômico inclusivo para as mulheres africanas. Especificamente, o Projeto visa aumentar a capacidade e a sustentabilidade dos capacitadores que apóiam as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (WSMEs - sigla em…
12 Outubro 2022
The decision to lift the GMO ban undermines our food and seed sovereignty and delegates the control of our food production systems to profit-driven multinational corporations.   Kenya has lifted its 10-year ban on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines…
12 Outubro 2022
12 octobre 2022 (BISHOFTU, Éthiopie) : L'Autorité intergouvernementale pour le développement, en partenariat avec l'Union européenne et dans le cadre du programme Ecosfish, organise un atelier de validation de 3 jours sur la situation socio-économique et l'évaluation des besoins en capacités de la…
7 Outubro 2022
On Tuesday, 13 September 2022, H.E. Dr William Ruto took his oath of office and began his term as the fifth president of the Republic of Kenya. In his inauguration speech, the president purposed to hit the ground running and lead Kenyans on a path of economic transformation and in the days…
8 Setembro 2022
KAMPI ya SAMAKI, Kenya (AP) — Winnie Keben had felt blessed to be raising her children in her husband’s childhood home in the community of Kampi ya Samaki - just over a quarter mile (500 meters) from the shoreline of Lake Baringo. The vast freshwater lake buzzing with birds and aquatic life in the…
28 Agosto 2022
A group of Kenyans who were forcefully evicted from their land by British settlers during colonial rule filed a case against the UK on Tuesday at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to demand justice. The group’s lawyer, Joel Kimutai Bosek, told the media that the UK has been avoiding the…