registro de terras related Blog post | Land Portal
Existem 3,561 itens de conteúdo relacionados a registro de terras no Land Portal.
Data story banner, Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia, by Leonard A. Floyd
16 Novembro 2023
Dr. Marie Gagné

A formalização dos sistemas fundiários - como um tipo de reforma agrária - cumpriu as promessas de melhorar a segurança da posse, a produtividade agrícola e o acesso das mulheres à terra? Saiba mais nesta história de dados.

17 Maio 2023

No cabe duda que uno de los problemas más serios y sensibles, que afecta de manera decisiva tanto a agricultores como a comunidades, es la falta de formalización de sus derechos de la propiedad de la tierra. Para enfrentar esta situación se han implementado programas de titulación de tierras a lo largo de los últimos treinta años, pero una serie de dificultades no han permitido que esta tarea sea culminada.

land at scale burkina faso
15 Julho 2022
Lisette Meij
Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso has a long history of land interventions aiming to achieve tenure security at the local level. The “Observatoire National du Foncier au Burkina-Faso” (ONF-BF) is one of the key players in the country working on mapping land rights within communities at commune-level. How does ONF-BF address the challenge of not only attaining tenure security through mapping, but ensuring these tenure rights last over time?

12 Julho 2021
Mr. Gabriel Siqueira
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

Blog originalmente publicado no IGTNews No. 33

30 Março 2021
Mr. Tim Hanstad
Sri Lanka

No mês passado, um ex-ministro do governo do Zimbábue foi preso por venda ilegal de terrenos públicos. Alguns dias depois, um tribunal da Malásia condenou por corrupção o ex-presidente de uma agência de desenvolvimento agrário de terras públicas. E, em janeiro, o governo da Estônia desmoronou em meio a alegações de corrupção em negociações de propriedades. Todos estes eventos recentes puseram em foco a ameaça crescente, porém negligenciada, da corrupção ligada a terras.

A woman speaks about land rights during a community meeting
19 Dezembro 2019
Namati Communications

Matito Leruso was born and raised in the herding community of Lengurma in Isiolo County. Communal grazing land has been central to her community’s livelihood, wellbeing, and identity for generations, but they have never had their legal rights to govern it recognized. None of Kenya’s thousands of pastoralist communities have. This changed in 2016, with the passage of the Community Land Act. Since then, Matito has joined other residents of Lengurma in working to understand, use and shape the new law to ensure that their community land rights are respected and upheld.

31 Agosto 2019
Stacey Zammit

Increasingly, governments and citizens in developing countries as well as development agencies are using information technology to improve governance, shape government-citizen relations, and reduce corruption. Despite this, we continue to be at the first phases of understanding how to best use these new data sources in anti-corruption work, as well as appreciating the challenges and limitations inherent in them.  

23 Fevereiro 2018
Mr. Tim Hanstad

In my experience living and working on land rights, I have identified eight land-related topics that need to be prioritized and urgently addressed in India. These must be addressed no only by government at both the national and especially the state level, but also by civil society, researchers, and donors.

Property rights have a storytelling problem: 5 tips for getting the story right
18 Janeiro 2018
Yuliya Panfil

It's time to ditch the jargon and tell stories about property rights that create the impact needed for change

In a world bombarded with information, stories are everything. Strong storylines can inspire movements and shift attitudes. The “99 percent” story sparked a global conversation about income inequality, and fueled the Occupy Wall Street movement.



For the purposes of performing the works for establishment and maintenance of the real estate cadastre, the management of the geodetic-cadastre information system, as well as for establishment, maintenance and public access to the National Spatial Data Infrastructure is established the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre. The Agency for Real Estate Cadastre acts in the capacity of a legal person with its rights, liabilities and responsibilities as stipulated by the Law on Real Estate Cadastre and for its operation reports to the Government of R. Macedonia.

Independent platform for registering and administering legally-acquired use and benefit rights over land in Mozambique

Geographia Technica

 Geographia Technica is a journal devoted to the publication of all papers on all aspects of the use of technical and quantitative methods in geographical research. It aims at presenting its readers with the latest developments in G.I.S technology, mathematical methods applicable to any field of geography, territorial micro-scalar and laboratory experiments, and the latest developments induced by the measurement techniques to the geographical research.

Innovations for Successful Societies

ISS chronicles government innovation, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Often the most creative and successful ideas are generated internally, framed by people who have deep knowledge of local conditions. ISS enables practitioners to tell their unique stories and join a knowledge network of reform-minded public servants from around the globe. ISS case studies distill these conversations into a tool for learning, for cross-cutting analysis, and for scholarship.

A team of bachelors students from the 2016-2019 class of the European Law School Programme working with data collected by students from the 2017-2020 class of the European Law School Programme with the aim of creating a summary of the land laws for multiple countries.


The team consists of: Bert Brookfield-Hird, Alexandra Aldous, Lisa Beatrice Ferrari, Doris Beganović, Magda Jacyna and Ines Garreau.


To facilitate efficient land administration and management, acess to adequate and affordable housing, social and physical infrastructure for national development


To be a globally competitive organization in sustainable management of Land and built environment

Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Land Administration and Management at INES - Ruhengeri (Rwanda) 

MSc in Land Administration, Twente University

NRMC is a technical and managerial advisory firm in the development sector that provides evidence-based solutions for sustainable, equitable and inclusive development. 

Established in 2004, NRMC is engaged in creating impactful solutions that make a difference to the society. We achieve results at scale by catalyzing partnership with clients and communities. We believe in ethical business, nurturing talent to be courageous to push the limits of knowledge and discovering new ways of doing things.

Survey Review

Survey Review (ISSN -0039-6265 (print); ISSN 1752-2706 (online) is an international journal which has been published since 1931, and in recent years under the auspices of the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE). It has been published continuously as a quarterly journal, bringing together a wide range of papers on research, theory, practice and management in land and engineering surveying. All papers are independently assessed by two referees and come from government, private industry and academic organisations world-wide.

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