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Issuespopulação urbanaLandLibrary Resource
There are 901 content items of different types and languages related to população urbana on the Land Portal.

população urbana


Displaying 97 - 108 of 276

Impacts of renewable energy on landscape. Alternative of offshore wind in marine areas

Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2014
Reino Unido

The effects determined in the landscape by plants powered by renewable sources represent some unresolved issues in terms of visual and landscape impact mitigation in general. These aspects relate to the landscape are recognized in all types of impact with due attention to the various components and dynamics involved identifiable in the landscape of reference.

Underwater: the relationship city-water in Zuid Holland

Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2014
Países Baixos

The Netherlands has a coastline of over 400 miles but they have always been characterized by an uneasy relationship with the sea. Because of geomorphology that puts the country on average 5 meters below sea level, the Dutch urban planning, at all levels of government, has always questioned the need to defend themselves from river and marine flooding; over the centuries it has developed a pragmatic approach , enshrined in various national laws and in the establishment of the Ministry of Water Management, which has set as its main objective the defense of the territory from the water.


Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2014
América do Norte

During the period immediately after World War II, planning in North America and Europe followed highly centralized, top-down, command-and-control approaches that were based on the rational-comprehensive model of planning, which implies an all-knowing, all-powerful government. Part and parcel of this approach was the government’s control of development land and its value.

Brownfield regeneration: Towards strengthening social cohesion?

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2016

In broader terms, the paper refers to the topic of brownfield regeneration, as one of the most complex mechanisms for sustainable spatial development. In addition to the fact that brownfield regeneration demands a variety of instruments, such as: tax subsidies, the change of land use ownership, soil remediation, planning regulative amendments, etc., the complexity of brownfield regeneration is primarily seen in a number of stakeholders participating in such a process.

Culture et régénération urbaine : les exemples du Grand Manchester et de la vallée de l’Emscher

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembro, 2010

Les deux conurbations du Grand Manchester et de la Ruhr (et plus particulièrement la vallée de l’Emscher) ont connu à partir des années 1960 de profondes restructurations économiques liées à l’arrêt progressif de leur activité traditionnelle : l’industrie textile et l’exploitation du charbon. Afin d’impulser une nouvelle dynamique à ces territoires en crise, les pouvoirs publics ont fait le choix de politiques de régénération urbaine dans lesquelles la culture a eu progressivement un rôle de plus en plus déterminant.

'Culture' as HIV prevention: Indigenous youth speak up!

Peer-reviewed publication
Setembro, 2016

This article explores the ways in which (a) Indigenous youth involved in an HIV intervention took up and reclaimed their cultures as a project of defining ‘self’, and (b) how Indigenous ‘culture’ can be used as a tool for resistance, HIV prevention and health promotion. Data were drawn from the Taking Action Project: Using arts-based approaches to develop Aboriginal youth leadership in HIV prevention.

Entre renaissance culturelle et persistance de la question méridionale. Le cas de l’essor touristique du Salento contemporain (Italie) Between cultural renaissance and the lingering Southern issue. The case of tourist development in contemporary Salent...

Peer-reviewed publication
Outubro, 2008

Cet article étudie la confrontation des constructions identitaires locales et du tourisme culturel dans le Salento, une région des Pouilles où, depuis une dizaine d’années, des politiques culturelles et un marketing territorial avisés ont relancé le tourisme. Ce processus a vu le jour à partir de la revalorisation de la langue locale d’origine grecque (le griko) et de la patrimonialisation de la tradition ethnologique du tarentisme et de la musique qui accompagnait le rite d’autrefois, la pizzica.

Luis Muñoz Maluschka: un miembro de la "Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung" en el Ministerio de Obras Públicas de Chile

Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2002

Se evoca la labor de un profesional chileno, el arquitecto y urbanista Luis Muñoz Maluschka (1896-1974), en el marco de un período de cincuenta años de aportes relevantes en planificación urbana y ordenamiento territorial realizados desde el Ministerio de Obras Públicas de Chile./The work of a Chilean professional architect and city planner, Luis Muñoz Maluschka (1896-1974) is commented. In fifty years he has made important contributions to urban planning and land arrangement from the Ministerio de Obras Publicas (Ministry of Public Works.)

Evolución de la consideración de los corredores verdes en la planificación: el caso de Madrid /Evolution of the consideration of green corridors in the planning: the case of Madrid

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2009

El tratamiento de los corredores fluviales en la planificación urbanística española, y en particular madrileña, ha pasado de considerarlos como límite a la expansión urbana (S. XIX), a tratar de conferirles una función recreativa y de ocio (1920-1960), a mirarlos como espacio de oportunidad para el desarrollo urbano e industrial (1960-80) y finalmente a concebirlos como espacios a proteger del desarrollo urbano (1980-2007).