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Issuesterra florestalLandLibrary Resource
There are 3, 194 content items of different types and languages related to terra florestal on the Land Portal.

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Displaying 1285 - 1296 of 1602

Laju dan penyebab deforestasi di Indonesia: penelaahan kerancuan dan penyelesaiannya

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 1997

There have been several major research efforts on the rate and causes of Indonesia's deforestation in recent years and much associated literature, but there is still no consensus in the research community on these issues. This paper reviews the areas of uncertainty and confusion, and proposes questions that must be answered to get a better grasp of the subject.

Lessons learned from the implementation of reduced-impact logging in hilly terrain in Sabah, Malaysia

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2000

Between 1992 and 1997, about 2400 ha of old growth dipterocarp forest in southeastern Sabah was logged to reduced-impact logging (RIL) guidelines as part of a pilot carbon offset project. Harvesting planning, vine cutting, directional felling and skidding restrictions contributed to a reduction in stand damage from 50% to 28% of the original stems; damage to soil was reduced from 13% to 9% of total area in RIL relative to conventional logging areas.

Lineamientos y metodologias para el buen manejo forestal en la Amazonia Peruana

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2005

The CD contains six publications: 1. Silvicultura en la Amazonia Peruana. Diagnostico de experiencias en la region Ucayali y la provincia de Puerto Inca 2. Planes de manejo en concesiones forestales con fines maderables: lineamientos para su elaboracion y formatos de presentacion 3. Manual para la planificacion y evaluacion del manejo forestal operacional en bosques de la Amazonia peruana 4. Manual practico para operadores forestales 5. Memorias del I Taller de Capacitacion, Monitoreo e Invetigacion para Promover el Manejo Forestal en la Amazonia peruana 6.

Large-scale fire: creator and destroyer of secondary forests in Western Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2001

Large scale, catastrophic fires have become a significant and visible part of the tropical forest landscape in the past two decades with increased commercial exploitation of forests, forest conversion and increased population pressure. Secondary forests are an increasingly prominent feature of tropical landscapes and fires play a significant role in both the creation and destruction of these forests. In the past two decades large scale forest fires have become more frequent in the moist tropics.

Le marché domestique du sciage artisanal au Cameroun: État des lieux, opportunités et défis

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

Le Cameroun a adopté une nouvelle loi des forêt en 1994 qui mettait l’accent sur le secteur forestier industriel, à grande échelle, et orienté vers l’exportation, tout en négligeant le bois produit avec des opérations d’échelle plus petite, pour le marché intérieur. Ce bois n’est pas enregistrée dans les statistiques officielles et il est principalement produit sans titre valide d’exploitation.

Le marché domestique du sciage artisanal en République du Congo: État des lieux, opportunités et défis

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

La République du Congo a adopté une loi forestière en 2000 qui met l’accent sur le secteur forestier industriel à grande échelle orienté vers l’exportation. Le bois d’oeuvre tiré d’une exploitation à plus petite échelle et tourné vers le marché intérieur a été négligé. Ce bois n’est pas enregistré dans les statistiques officielles et il est essentiellement produit sans titre valide. Or le Congo a paraphé en 2009 puis signé en 2010 l’Accord de partenariat volontaire (APV) avec la Commission européenne qui l’engage à assurer la légalité de toute la production nationale de bois d’ici à 2013.

Livestock and deforestation in Central America in the 1980s and 1990s: a policy perspective

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 1996

This study analyses seven factors used to explain the conversion of forest to pasture in Central America between 1979 and 1994: 1) favourable markets for livestock products; 2) subsidised credit and road construction; 3) land-tenure policies; 4) limited technological change in livestock production; 5) policies which reduce timber values; 6) reduced levels of political violence; and 7) characteristics specific to cattle which make conversion attractive. Deforestation rates in Central America declined in the 1980s, but remained high.

Management of secondary and logged-over forests in Indonesia: selected proceedings of an international workshop, 17-19 November, 1997

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 1999

Secondary and logged-over tropical forests cover more than 600 million hectares. An international workshop held in Bogor (Indonesia) in November 1997 provided a forum of discussion on the research priorities for the sustainable management of secondary forests in Indonesia and more generally in South East Asia. Secondary forests were defined as: "woody vegetation regrowing on land whose previous forest cover was destroyed by at least 90 % by human activities or natural disaster".

Managing natural forests for sustainable harvests of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla): experiences in Mexico's community forests

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2003

In 2002, mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) was listed on Appendix II of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). This requires that all producing countries define and implement sustainable production systems for mahogany, the most commercially important neotropical timber, which is still harvested from natural forests. The only serious efforts to produce mahogany sustainably from managed natural forests are those of communities in Quintana Roo, Mexico, which control 800,000 of natural production forests.

Managing smallholder teak plantations: field guide for farmers

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

The typical practice by smallholder teak growers of letting trees grow without management input has resulted in poor quality plantations. Various questions arise when farmers start to better manage their teak plantations. This book provides practical guidance in addressing these questions by explaining in detail the techniques of parent tree selection, seed preparation, seedling production, planting, fertilising, thinning, pruning, controlling pest and disease and harvesting. To be more easily understood, the descriptions are complemented by illustrations, photographs or tables.