UK Land Policy Forum meeting on Land and Women's empowerment- 13th October 2016
Invitation to the 3rd UK Land Policy Forum on ‘Land and Women’s empowerment’ – October 13th 2016,
ODI Conference room, 203 Blackfriars road, SE1 8NJ, London
Invitation to the 3rd UK Land Policy Forum on ‘Land and Women’s empowerment’ – October 13th 2016,
ODI Conference room, 203 Blackfriars road, SE1 8NJ, London
O ano de 2015 foi considerado pela ONU como Ano Internacional dos Solos.
Nos dias 23,24 e 25 de agosto do presente ano, levar-se-á a cabo o TERCEIRO CONGRESSO IBEROAMERICANO DE SOLO URBANO na cidade de Curitiba, Brasil, com o tema “O solo na nova agenda urbana”, organizado de maneira conjunta pelo Colégio Mexiquence AC, a Universidade Federal do Paraná, a Universidade Pontifícia Católica do Paraná e a Universidade Positivo.
Rights to land and resources are at the center of our most pressing development issues: poverty reduction, food security, conflict, urbanization, gender equality, climate change, and resilience. Secure Land Tenure and Property Rights (LTPR) create incentives for investment, broad-based economic growth, and good stewardship of natural resources.
Women account for 60–80 per cent of smallholder farmers and comprise the largest percentage of the workforce in the agricultural sector. Inequalities between women and men in access to land, productive resources, income-generating activities and public consultation spaces seriously undermine women’s capacity to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
O Comitê FOSPA/Amapá, é uma Comunidade Democrática de Base e está em permanente articulação com todas e todos que estão pautando e fazendo luta e resistência na Pan-Amazônia.
Kick-off event: meet female land rights champions, make your work more effective and join the festive launch of a photo exhibition
Many women around the world are working to improve their land rights. Yet the access to their land is often insecure. During this evening, you will hear stories by women who are involved in different initiatives at the grassroots level – from the Netherlands to Malawi. What lessons can we learn and how can they generate ideas that lead to more action on the ground?
How to support transformations that work for people and nature?