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Ley Nº 6.253 - Normas generales y metodología de aplicación para la defensa, conservación y mejoramiento del ambiente.

América do Sul

La presente Ley se propone alcanzar el funcionamiento racional de los ecosistemas humanos y naturales en el ámbito del territorio de la Provincia de Tucumán. En particular persigue la preservación, conservación, defensa y recuperación de los ambientes degradados.

Law No. 2.393, ruling on native populations’ permanence in Conservation Units.

América do Sul

This Law, composed of eight articles, rules on native populations’ permanence in Conservation Units. The Law authorises the State Government to grant the right of using the occupied land to those native populations residing since over 50 years in Rio De Janeiro Conservation Units. The Law also requires native populations to actively participate in the preservation of the aforesaid units. To this end, the Law specifies forbidden activities, natural resources’ conservation duties as well as fines and penalties for non compliance.

Harbour Boards Dry Land Endowment Revesting Act (No. 104 of 1991).

Nova Zelândia

This Act, consisting of 15 sections and one Schedule, provides for certain endowments of dry harbour land to be revested in the Crown or reserved for certain purposes, and to amend certain enactments. Section 4 empowers the Governor-General to declare specified lands vested in local authorities to be revested in the Crown for purpose of conservation (under the Conservation Act 1987), or for the purpose of creating reserves under the Reserves Act 1977.

Act on the Farmland and Forest Fund of the Republic of Slovenia.

Europa meridional

This Act, which is composed of 23 articles, lays down provisions concerning establishment, duties, responsibilities, rights and liabilities of the Farmland and Forest Fund of the Republic of Slovenia. The Fund was set up with the purpose of managing and disposing of farmland, farms and forests owned by the Republic of Slovenia. The Fund implements the Slovene farmland policy and with due prudence manages the trading with this land.

Loi nº 86-2 relative à l'aménagement, la protection et la mise en valeur du littoral.

Europa Ocidental

Cette loi reconnait le littoral comme une entité géographique qui appelle une politique spécifique d'aménagement, de protection et de mise en valeur. la loi concerne concerne non seulement les communes riveraines des mers et océans, des étangs salés, des plans d’eau intérieurs d’une superficie supérieure à 1 000 hectares, mais aussi celles qui, sous certaines conditions, sont riveraines des estuaires et des deltas.

Law No. 466 on the industrial zoning in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro.

América do Sul

This Law, composed of 18 articles, regulates the industrial zoning in the Metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro. It defines 3 areas for the establishment of industrial activities, namely Areas of Strictly Industrial Use (ZEI), Areas of Mainly Industrial Use (ZUPI) and Areas with Diversified Use (ZUD). The law establishes the competent bodies for the zoning and the classification of industrial activities. For the ZUD areas, it requires a Plan aimed at rationalise the land use for industrial purposes and to minimize environmental impacts.

Law No. 1.130 providing for a detailed definition of the areas to be considered of special interest for the State.

América do Sul

This Law, structured in three main sections and composed of 20 articles, provides a detailed definition of the areas to be considered of special interest for the State. It sets the legal framework for the immovable properties with more than 1.000.000 m2 and those located in municipal bordering areas.

East Peninsula Land Development and Conservation Act, 1986 (No. 12 of 1986).

São Cristóvão e Névis (Saint Kitts e Nevis)

The South-East Peninsula Land Development and Conservation Board shall evaluate development schemes, make recommendations regarding allotment and reservation of land, control of pollution, implementation of environmental protection plans, monitor implementation of development schemes and carry out other functions set out in section 4. The Board shall prepare the South-East Peninsula Development and Land Use Management Plan in accordance with section 5.

Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (No. 29 of 1986).

Ásia Meridional

The Act consists of 26 articles divided into the following Chapters: Preliminary (I); General Powers of the Central Government (II); Prevention, Control and Abatement of Environmental Pollution (III); Miscellaneous (IV).The Act regulates the power of the Central Government to take measures to protect and improve the environment through means of planning, establishment of environmental quality standards, examination of manufacturing processes, collection and dissemination of information, preparation of manuals, etc. (sect. 3).

Law No. 6.225 establishing environmental plans for soil erosion prevention.

América do Sul

This Law establishes the obligation of drawing up regional environmental plans in order to avoid or prevent soil erosion. It consists of 7 articles establishing that lands must comply with specified environmental requirements.

Implemented by: Decree No. 77.775 regulating Law No. 6.225 on environmental plans for soil erosion prevention. (1976-06-08)