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Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Illegal/Irregular Allocation of Public Land

Legislation & Policies
Junho, 2003

Land retains a focal point in Kenya's history. It was the basis upon which the struggle for independence was waged. It has traditionally dictated the pulse of our nationhood. It continues to command a pivotal position in the country's social, economic, political and legal relations. It is not surprising therefore that land has since the colonial times to-date, been the subject of myriad state managed policy and legal interventions. Neither is it surprising that it has been the subject of many Commissions of Inquiry.

The Impact of the confiscation of Land, Labor, Capital Assets and forced relocation in Burma by the military regime

Policy Papers & Briefs
Abril, 2003

1. Introduction 1;
2. Historical Context and Current Implications of the State Taking Control
of People, Land and Livelihood 2;
2.1. Under the Democratically Elected Government 2;
2.1.1. The Land Nationalization Act 1953 2;
2.1.2. The Agricultural Lands Act 1953 2;
3. Under the Revolutionary Council (1962-1974) 2;
3.1. The Tenancy Act 1963 3;
3.2. The Protection of the Right of Cultivation Act, 1963 3;
4. The State Gains Further Control over the Livelihoods of Households 3;

CHR 2003: Myanmar: Thousands of people are displaced and starving

Reports & Research
Abril, 2003

Commission on Human Rights
59th Session

Item 10: Economic, social and cultural rights


It is in the remote parts of Myanmar that the worst abuses of the right to food continue. Within recent weeks, the Asian Legal Resource Centre has spoken with persons travelling in some of these areas. They have told of thousands of people displaced from their lands, some for years, starving in the jungle. One who carried an emaciated child to a Thai town just across the border spoke of the utter shock and disbelief among medical staff at the child?s condition...

Loi n° 3-2003 du 17 janvier 2003 fixant l'organisation administrative territoriale.

Janeiro, 2003

La présente loi fixe l'organisation administrative territoriale, basée sur les principes de la déconcentration et de la décentralisation, vise le déploiement harmonieux de l'administration sur l'ensemble du territoire; la mise en place d'une administration de proximité; la création des conditions d’émergence d’une administration orientée vers le développement ; la promotion de la démocratie locale; la réalisation de l’unité nationale.

Traditional institutions, multiple stakeholders and modern perspectives in common property.

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2002

Forests and pastoralism are in a state of crisis in the Borana lowlands in southern Ethiopia. State management has failed to control forest exploitation and past and present development interventions continue to undermine pastoral production systems. In this paper the authors aim to show how a fundamental misunderstanding of pastoral land management, and in particular pastoral tenure systems, has undermined traditional institutions and the environment for which they were once responsible.

El desarrollo urbano a lo largo del Camino del Sur en el trayecto Buenos Aires – Parque Pereyra Iraola

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2002

Desde el inicio de la ocupación española, el Camino del Sur, último tramo de una red a escala continental, constituyó la vía de comunicación entre la ciudad de Buenos Aires y el pago de la Magdalena a la vez que en sus proximidades se originaban incipientes núcleos urbanos. La incorporación del ferrocarril a mediados del siglo XIX produjo un cambio notable en la estructura territorial y reemplazó en parte al antiguo camino como vía de comunicación y columna vertebral de los asentamientos urbanos.

Programme d'Action National sur la lutte contre la Desertification.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2002

Le Programme d'action national de lutte contre la désertification fixe des modalités d’articulation entre les actions et différents programmes sectoriels mis en œuvre dans le cadre de la lutte contre la désertification et dégager les moyens nécessaires et supplémentaires afin de soutenir la mise en œuvre de ces actions par la recherche d’une synergie et d’une harmonisation que doit induire le processus du PAN.