Facing the challenges of land monitoring in the framework and guidelines on land policy in Africa towards agenda 2063 and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development
The adoption of Agenda 2063 at the continental level, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the global level, requires a high level of collection and collation of quality, timely, reliable and dis-aggregated data at all levels of the development process, including land, to inform decisions, enable all stakeholders to track progress and make the necessary adjustments to ensure trans
Facing the challenges of land monitoring in the framework and guidelines on land policy in Africa - towards agenda 2063 and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development
Land Reform and Sustainable Development
Land reform, equitable distribution, economic development, environmental quality, land reform strategies, Brazil, Landless Workers’ Movement, East Asia, rural poverty, land productivity, sustainable agriculture, comparative advantage, small farms.
Land use planning and sustainable development
L’action de la FAO face au changement climatique
Cette publication présente les messages clés de la FAO sur le changement climatique et la sécurité alimentaire. Elle inclut des exemples du travail de la FAO pour aider les pays à s’adapter aux effets du changement climatique sur les secteurs agricoles.
Processos e Debates Relacionados com DUATs. Estudos de caso em Nampula e Zambézia
O presente trabalho tem como objectivo compreender o que caracteriza os processos de solicitação, tramitação das solicitações e concessão de DUATs em Moçambique, olhando para diferentes zonas, género, tipo de agricultor e tipo de produção, assim como apresentar as vantagens e desvantagens de registar os direitos, consideradas pelos grupos-alvo entrevistados.
SDG Indicator 15.3.1 - Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area
Presentation by Sasha Alexander from the UNCCD about SDG Indicator 15.3.1 about the proportion of land that is degraded over total land area.
Biodiversity Indicators: UNECE & SDGs
Dr Tom Brooks, Head, Science and Knowledge International Union for Conservation of Nature UNECE, Committee on Environmental Policy, presentation on Biodiversity Indicators: UNECE and the SDGS at the 12th Session of the Joint Task Force on Environmental Statistics and Indicators, 17 November 2016.
VGGT: FIRST Webinar #2 – FIRST Policy Assistance Facility: Land Tenure issues in Myanmar
This webinar is organized jointly with the European Commission Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development, in the framework of the FAO-EU Partnership Programme: Food and Nutrition Security Impact, Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation (FIRST). SPEAKERS: 1.Mr. Paul De Wit, Senior Land Tenure Consultant, FIRST Programme, FAO Representation in Myanmar 2. Ms.
Global Landscapes Forum Climate Action for Sustainable Development
On 16 November 2016, the fourth annual Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) once again brought together diverse stakeholders working in global landscapes.
América Latina y el Caribe: desafíos, dilemas y compromisos de una agenda urbana común
Este documento fue elaborado por el Foro de Ministros y Autoridades Máximas de la Vivienda y el Urbanismo de América Latina y el Caribe (MINURVI), con la colaboración de la Unidad de Asentamientos Humanos de la División de Desarrollo Sostenible y Asentamientos Humanos de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y de la Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe del Pr