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Regional La No. 10 “On allotment of land plots to multi-child families”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law regulates the issues of allotment of public or municipal land to multi-child families in ownership free of charge for housing construction, country housing construction and subsidiary small-holding. It shall be applicable to families with three and more dependent children. The aforesaid plots of land shall be selected out of stock of available land in accordance with land-use planning documentation. The aforesaid plots of land shall be allotted to a family as common indivisible property.

Regional Law No. 74-ZKO “On allotment of land in ownership free of charge to some categories of citizens”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law envisages cases and establishes the modalities of allotment in ownership free of charge public and municipal land to citizens for subsistence farming and housing construction, and also establishes dimensions of land area authorized for allotment.

Land Rehabilitation Act (C.C.S.M. c. L50).

América do Norte

This Act is divided up into three Parts as follows: Part I outlines provisions implementing acts of the parliament of Canada; Part II deals with control of tillage and Part III contains general provisions. Section 2 authorises the municipality to do any act contemplated or required to be done to secure the rehabilitation or development of any agricultural area within the municipality. A municipality is to develop within that area; systems; farm practice; tree culture; water supply; land utilization; and land settlement, that will afford greater economic security.

Agrarian Development (Amendment) Act, No. 46 of 2011.

Sri Lanka
Ásia Meridional

This Act amends the Agrarian Development Act of 2000.Amendments include: the insertion, immediately after section 1, of a new Part I on tenant cultivators of paddy lands; replacement of the heading of Part I of the principal Act with a new heading Part IA entitled ‘Rights of tenant cultivators of paddy lands’; minor changes to various sections of Part IA and the repealing of sections 6 and 20; changes to sections 39 on the establishment of Agrarian Tribunals and section 42 on rights of appeal and the repealing of section 40; the insertion of a new Part IVA addressing the Boards of Review; m

Loi n° 2011-07 du 30 mars 2011 portant régime de la Propriété foncière.

África Ocidental

La présente loi est composée t de 96 articles répartis en 5 titres, à savoir: l’organisation du régime de la propriété foncière (I); le fonctionnement du régime de la propriété foncière (II); les sanctions (III); les frais et émoluments (IV); et les dispositions finales (V). Aux termes de cette loi, l’immatriculation d’un immeuble au livre foncier est précédée d’une vaste publicité et exige l’observation des formalités multiples et minutieuses destinées à sauvegarder les droits des tiers.

Loi sur le développement rural.

Europa Ocidental

La présente loi réglemente le développement rural. Elle a pour objectifs: a) le renforcement de l'économie cantonale; b) la sauvegarde de la viabilité des espaces ruraux; c) l'atténuation des disparités régionales; d) le maintien d'une forte population rurale; e) la promotion d'une économie agricole efficace; f) le développement d'entreprises de type familial; g) une production saine et de qualité; h) la sauvegarde du patrimoine et la préservation de l'environnement. En outre, elle complète et met en oeuvre la législation fédérale, notamment la loi fédérale sur l'agriculture.

Presidential Decree No. UP-4301 concerning the arrangements for ensuring legality in the process of reorganization and consolidation of the plots of land for farming purposes.

Ásia Central

The President establishes that the grounds for initiation of legal and administrative proceedings shall be the following facts: (a) violation of terms and conditions of land lease contracts and, in particular, non-purposeful use of agricultural land; (b) sowing of plant species non-envisaged by contract; (c) unsustainable management of agricultural land; (d) systematic (for three years) non-compliance with the contractual terms regarding supply by farmers of agricultural commodities to purchasing organizations; and (e) bankruptcy of farming enterprise.

Regional Law No. 99-OZ “On allotment of land plots free of charge in ownership to citizens with three and more children”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law establishes cases of allotment of land plots free of charge in ownership to citizens with three and more children out of stock of public or municipal land. Land plots can be allotted to the aforesaid category of citizens for the following purposes: (a) individual housing construction; (b) suburban housing construction; (c) gardening and horticulture; (d) stockbreeding; and (e) farming.

Regional Law No. 765-ZRK “On maximum agricultural land plot areas allotted out of stock of public and municipal land to citizens in ownership”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law establishes maximum land area limits for plots of agricultural land allotted on condition of ownership to citizens out of stock of public or municipal land as follows: (a) for peasant farming – 30 ha; (b) for horticulture, gardening, stockbreeding, suburban housing construction out of stock of low yield agricultural land – 1.500 square metres; and (c) for subsidiary smallholding – 5.000 square metres.

Loi d'application de la loi fédérale sur le droit foncier rural.

Europa Ocidental

La présente loi met en exécution la loi fédérale du 4 octobre 1991 sur le droit foncier rural. L’article 7 établit que tout morcellement d'immeubles situés en zone agricole qui a pour effet de créer des parcelles d'une superficie inférieure à 25 ares est interdit. Cette surface est réduite à 15 ares pour les parcelles incorporées dans le cadastre viticole.(1) Des autorisations exceptionnelles peuvent toutefois être accordées par l'autorité compétente pour justes motifs, au sens des articles 59 et 60 de la loi fédérale, et si aucun intérêt prépondérant de l'agriculture n'est lésé.