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Decreto Nº 34.763/J - Modifica el Reglamento de la Ley Nº 6.545, Ley del catastro nacional.

Costa Rica
América Central

El presente Decreto modifica el Reglamento a la Ley de Catastro Nacional, para lograr una más clara integración con disposiciones de rango legal relativas al tema, principalmente propiciando una aplicación más exacta y sencilla para los operadores normativos del Catastro Nacional.

Enmienda: Decreto Nº 34.331/J - Reglamento de la Ley Nº 6.545, Ley del catastro nacional. (2007-11-29)

Ruling of 1996 of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania on the compliance of the Republic of Lithuania Government 17 July 1995 Resolution No. 987 “On selling and lease of state land plots for non-agriculture activities” with the Constit...

Europa Setentrional

The Constitutional Court has passed the following ruling: “1. To recognise that Items 7.1.9 and 8.1.19 of “The procedure of selling and lease of state land plots for non-agriculture activities” as approved by Item 1 of the Republic of Lithuania Government 17 July 1995 Resolution No. 987 “On selling and lease of state land plots for non-agriculture activities” contradict Part 2 of Article 128, and Part 4 of Article 46 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. 2. To recognise that the remaining part of the Republic of Lithuania Government 17 July 1995 Resolution No.

Regional Law No. 113-OZ amending Regional Law No. 19-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Europa Oriental

Article 1 (1) shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Legislative Assembly shall establish the modalities of calculation of land charges pertaining to regional property, and land charges for public land with undelimited property, in case of sale of land plots to lease holder upon expiry of three-year period since the moment of conclusion of lease contract on condition of purposeful land tenure”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 19-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2014-12-30)

Decree-Law No. 31 of 1972 on the registration of real property in uniform structure with Decree No. 27/1972 (XII.31.) MEM of the Minister of Agriculture on its execution (Chapters V-IX).

Europa Oriental

The Decree-Law is set in bold-type and the Decree is set in normal characters. In order to safeguard real estate rights and statutory interests, the register of real estate contains data on all immovable property in the country, on rights in connection thereto and other relevant information. Certain rights come into being through registration.

Ordinance No. 958-r of 1993 regarding the modalities of transfer in private property or life-long hereditary property of the formerly allotted plots of land.

Europa Oriental

The Mayor, for the purpose of improvement of legal regulation of land relationship, safeguarding inviolability and protection of the right of citizens to land ownership, formation of valuable market of the plots of land, including sale and purchase, mortgage, lease of the plots of land, as well as for the stabilisation of social and economic situation on the territory of St.

Acuerdo Nº 6 - Reglamento autónomo para la adquisición de tierras.

Costa Rica
América Central

El presente Acuerdo aprueba el Reglamento autónomo para la adquisición de tierras, que tiene como objetivo normar el procedimiento de adquisición de tierras del Instituto de Desarrollo Agrario para la formación de asentamientos campesinos.

Revocado por: Acuerdo Nº 3 - Reglamento autónomo para la adquisición de tierras. (2008-03-24)
Revoca: Acuerdo Nº 3 - Reglamento autónomo para la adquisición de tierras. (2007-08-30)

Law on the privatization of State-owned Enterprise in the Republic of Georgia.

Sudoeste Asiático

Privatization of State-owned enterprises is allowed in all sectors of the economy (art. 3). The privatisation shall be managed by a lead agency named the State property management Committee (art. 4). It shall prepare a privatization programme. Enterprises shall be sold by the State Property Fund, a State company acting on a commercial base (art. 6).

Law No. 48 on Dehkan farm.

Ásia Central

The present Law defines the legal basis for organization and activity of Dehkan farms in the Republic of Tajikistan. The Dehkan farm is an independent managing subject carrying out its activities being not a legal person and based on individual business of a person, or members of the one family and other citizens jointly producing agricultural commodities on the basis of the plot of land and other properties being in its possession. The document consists of 34 Articles. Article 1 establishes the purpose of the present Law. Article 2 regards legislation on Dehkan farm.

Ministerial Decree No. 973 validating Regulation on reserving land for protected areas, keeping state registration and cadastre of protected areas.

Ásia Central

The document consists of 9 Parts. The grounds for reserving land for protected areas shall be programs of development and distribution of protected areas validated in accordance with the established modalities. Plots of land destined for protected areas shall be surveyed on site by a special commission with the participation of landowners concerned. The results of on-site survey shall be legalized in the form of act with the enclosure of survey map.

Regional Law No. 166-OZ “On regulation of some land relations”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law regulates plenary powers of state bodies and local self-government in the sphere of land relations and land tenure. Allotment of public and municipal land parcels to natural and legal persons shall be performed for payment. The following land categories shall be state property: (a) land areas acknowledged as public by federal laws; (b) public ownership originating from delimitation of state property to land; and (c) land areas purchased in accordance with the acting legislation. Public land shall be registered in the State register of property.

Land Act of Bhutan 2007.

Ásia Meridional

The present Act provides for the management, regulation and administration of the ownership and use of land for socio-economic development and environmental well-being of the country through efficient and effective land administration, security of land tenure, equal opportunity to land, facilitation of operation of land market, effective use of land resources and conservation of the ecosystem.

Regional Law No. 2843-ZPO amending Regional Law No. 2693-ZPO “On regulation of land relations”.

Europa Oriental

Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Government shall be responsible for decision-making related to organization and conduct of auction for sale of plot of public land pertaining to the regional ownership, auction for the right to conclude lease contract or refusal to organize and conduct auction for the aforesaid land category”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 2693-ZPO “On regulation of land relations”. (2015-03-04)