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Soil Status and its Relationship with Gender and Health Inequalities in Guatemala

Dezembro, 2022

This research examines the relationship between soil inequalities, gender disparities, and health outcomes in Guatemala. The historical context of land concentration, limited access to land, internal conflict, and socioeconomic factors contribute to soil inequalities, which in turn affect household gender dynamics and health outcomes. Using a case study approach in San Martin Jilotepeque, Guatemala, this research examines the challenges faced by male and female farmers in managing their soil.

Women’s empowerment in water governance in Polder Zone in Bangladesh

Dezembro, 2022

The polders in coastal zones of Bangladesh are vulnerable to climate risks resulting in low agricultural 3.50-5.00 DAY 2 · Tuesday, October 10 · Parallel sessions productivity and low incomes for the communities dependent on agriculture-based livelihoods in these regions. Bangladesh adopted a participatory approach to water governance in the 1980s to improve the equitable and sustainable use of water resources. With men migrating away for better income opportunities, women are more involved in agricultural production and dependent on water resources.

Climate security observatory: Guatemala summary for policymakers

Dezembro, 2022

Guatemala is considered to be one of the most exposed and vulnerable countries in Latin America to climate variability and extreme weather events, as well as non-climatic natural events. It is also a primary hotspot for climate change, as it is highly exposed to extreme weather events like tropical storms and droughts and has low capacity to cope with these impacts.

Exploring varietal uptake through a gender lens: Insights from a multi-country, multi-crop qualitative study

Dezembro, 2022

This contribution presents the preliminary results of a qualitative study complementing an experimental design conducted in Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, and India under Work Package 3 of the One CGIAR Market Intelligence initiative. The aim of this multicrop and multicountry study is to understand the factors driving or hindering women and men producers and consumers in varietal adoption.

Gendered challenges and coping strategies of women smallholder farmers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal’s Tarai region: A feminist political ecology perspective

Dezembro, 2022

This study addresses the knowledge gap regarding the specific gendered challenges faced by women smallholder farmers and the coping strategies deployed by them during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study investigates how power dynamics, gender norms and sociocultural practices at the household and community levels affected the women farmers’ coping mechanisms from a feminist political ecology perspective.

Unveiling gendered perspectives on farmers’ climate risk perception, and adaptation strategies: A systematic review

Dezembro, 2022

Climate change poses a significant challenge to farmers worldwide. It affects men and women differently due to their diverse roles, responsibilities, resource access and sociocultural norms. Understanding the gender perspective would help policymakers to develop evidence-based strategies that address unique vulnerabilities, promoting equitable, inclusive adaptation and resilience policies to climate risk. Hence there is a need to evaluate the available evidence base on gendered perspectives in this domain to design effective adaptation policies as well as future research.

Farm-managers or unpaid laborers? Women farmers in male-headed households of Central India

Dezembro, 2022

In the context of agricultural research and development (AR&D) in the global South, there is a growing recognition of the role of women farmers and the relevance of targeting them. The level of women’s participation in agricultural activities is influenced by factors such as male outmigration from the agricultural sector, and prevailing social norms. This participation varies both temporally and spatially, thereby influencing the strategies for targeted technology development and dissemination.

Gender-responsive nature-positive solutions for resilient agri-food systems

Dezembro, 2022

Nature-positive solutions (NPS) seek to address the negative effects of climate change, restore biodiversity, and sustainably manage land and water resources through strategies implemented at farm and community levels, drawing on both traditional and scientific knowledge, while ensuring that agriculture stays within planetary boundaries. Given gender differences in livelihood roles, control over resources, and influence over livelihood decisions, men and women have different needs from and preferences for nature-positive solutions.

Day 1 IFPRI Presentations for 2023 CGIAR GENDER-ICAR Conference

Dezembro, 2022

IFPRI is participating in the 2023 annual CGIAR Gender Research Conference. This conference is co-hosted by the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and will take place in New Delhi, India, on October 9-12, 2023.
Presentation titles:
Gender-responsive nature positive solutions for resilient agri-food systems
Women’s Empowerment, Productivity, and Food Security: Nationally Representative Panel Data Analysis in Malawi

Crop-livestock synergies and by-products recycling: major factors for agroecology in West African agro-sylvo-pastoral systems

Dezembro, 2022

Abstract In Western Africa, agro-sylvo-pastoral systems are dominant and food demand is booming. To meet this demand, many farmers intensify the production with industrial inputs (mineral fertilizers, feeds, pesticides, herbicides). However, the price of these inputs is rocketing. To face this issue, some farmers reconsider crops, livestock, and tree synergies and by-product recycling to increase their production sustainably at a lower cost.

AICCRA Continental Level Stakeholder Consultation Report

Dezembro, 2022

This report presents the findings of continental level stakeholder consultations conducted by the Policy theme of AICCRA during the month of September 2023. We undertook these consultations to gather inputs from stakeholders and feed them into the design process of the AICCRA Additional Financing (AF). Conversations with stakeholders focused on understanding the challenges faced, the opportunities presented and the priorities for AICCRA’s AF from various stakeholder perspectives.