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Loi sur les constructions et l’aménagement du territoire (LCAT).

Europa Ocidental

La présente loi met en exécution la Loi fédérale sur l'aménagement du territoire du 22 juin 1979. L’aménagement du territoire a pour but l’utilisation judicieuse du sol et l’occupation rationnelle du territoire en fonction du développement souhaité du Canton; il assure la coordination des activités qui ont des effets sur l’organisation du territoire et la répartition équitable du sol entre les divers utilisateurs.

Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing Act ([RSBC 1996] Chapter 307).

América do Norte

This Act sets up a Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing. For the purposes of this Act the minister may enter into agreements with; the government of Canada or its agent, or the government of a province or its agent, or with any other person or a municipality. Section 6 set out the powers of the minister. Section 7 deals with appropriation, and section 8 with securing advances. Section 8(1) sets out in detail the provisions dealing with affordable housing assistance and security for it.

Implementing Law relating to the Land Consolidation Act of 14 July 1953 (BGBl. I p. 591).

Europa Ocidental

The present Law provides for the implementation of the Federal Land Consolidation Act of 14 July 1953 (BGBl. I p. 591). In particular, article 1 of the above-mentioned Law establishes that the supreme and superior authorities for land consolidation in Schleswig-Holstein are, respectively, the Agriculture, Environment and Rural Space Office, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Space.

Sugar Industry Efficiency (Amendment) Act 2013 (No. 15 of 2013).

África Oriental

This Act amends the Sugar Industry Efficiency Act 2001 in various sections so as to, among other things, to: (a) extend incentives presently applicable; (b) extend the definition of “métayer” to include a person who, at the commencement of this Act, has been cultivating cane on land leased from the planter for a consecutive period of three crop cycles; (c) make better provision to prevent speculation on agricultural land by including agricultural morcellements in the definition of “agricultural land” and reviewing the minimum plot size for subdivision of land for agricultural purposes; (d)

Planning and Development Act, 2007 (S.S. 2007, c. P-13.2).

América do Norte

The purposes of this Act are the following: a) to establish the planning and development system in the province; b) to identify provincial interests that guide provincial and municipal planning decisions in the development of communities; c) to support the development of environmentally, economically, socially and culturally sustainable communities; d) to enable co-operation between municipalities, planning districts and other jurisdictions and agencies in the delivery of planning services and infrastructure development with communities; e) to provide for public participation in the plannin

British Columbia Indian Cut-off Lands Settlement Act (S.C. 1984, c. 2).

América do Norte

The present Act establishes that a band, or its council, may make agreements with Canada and British Columbia for resolving and extinguishing claims to cut-off lands. It notes that "Negotiations toward such agreements do not constitute an admission by Canada of the existence of any legal obligation of Canada toward the band in question" and that "Any such agreement executed prior to this Act is declared to have effect as of the date of its execution." The text consists of 7 sections.

Nordrhein Westfalen Survey and Cadastre Law.

Europa Ocidental

The present Law lays down provisions relating to land survey and land cadastre in the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen. The tasks of the public survey and mapping authorities include the collection, keeping and dissemination of data concerning land survey and land registration. The said Office has to avail itself of the latest technical and scientific progress.

Brandenburg Land Development Law.

Europa Ocidental

The present Law lays down comprehensive provisions relating to the division and development of land and in particular of agricultural land. The text deals with the following issues: land tenure, subdivision of land, competent authorities, tasks of administrative co-operatives, supervision, fees, election of the administrative board, assessment of value, announcement of the results, competent courts for land disputes and transitional provisions. The text consists of 14 articles.

Ley Nº 20.623 - Modifica el Decreto Ley Nº 3.516 de 1980, referido a la subdivisión de predios rústicos.

América do Sul

En virtud de la presente Ley se declara saneado el vicio de nulidad que pudiere afectar o haber afectado la validez de los actos y contratos celebrados con omisión de la constancia prevista en el inciso quinto del artículo 1º del Decreto Ley Nº 3.516 de 1980.

Enmienda: Decreto con fuerza de Ley Nº 3.516 - Normas sobre división de predios rústicos. (1980-11-19)

Land Use Planning Law.

Europa Ocidental

The underlying principle of the present Law is that local interests prevail over regional interests. The purpose of the Law is the economic and expedient use of the soil; the protection and care of the environment and, in particular the conservation and reinstatement of the sustainable purity of the air, water and soil, as well as the avoidance of noise; the conservation or reinstatement of a healthy nature, the protection of the indigenous fauna and flora and their natural living spaces, of the cultural heritage and, finally, in particular that of housing and recreational areas.