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Incorporating Land Use Impacts on Biodiversity into Life Cycle Assessment for the Apparel Industry

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014

Inputs of land for raw material production and fabric manufacturing. Such land use has significant implications for biodiversity—the diversity of Earth’s species, which provide critical services such as pollination, water purification, and climate regulation.

Although land use is a major driver of biodiversity loss, there is no easily applicable method for incorporating land use impacts on biodiversity into life cycle assessment (LCA)—a widelyused tool for evaluating potential environmental impacts of a product system.

Susceptibility of tropical mountain forests to biological invasions from the temperate and subtropical zone, exemplified by Zonitoides (Gastropoda: Gastrodontidae)

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2014

Colonisation by, and spread of, animal species from the temperate zone are rather uncommon observations in the tropics. The study provides the first reports of two snail species of the genus Zonitoides in Sabah, Borneo, namely Z. arboreus (Say, 1819) and Z. nitidus (O.F. Muller, 1774). The identification was aided using partial sequences of 28S rDNA, and the barcoding sequence of COI. So far, the two Zonitoides species were found in locations where the natural forest cover had been disturbed, and only in the montane forest at elevations between 1500 and 2000 m a.s.l..

Conserving dryland biodiversity

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

This publication is intended to raise awareness amongst all stakeholders and galvanise wider action to boost drylands conservation and development. The book is designed to inform and remind us of the beauty of dryland biodiversity and its intrinsic and instrumental value. It demonstrates the mutual dependency of dryland biological and cultural diversity. The book includes new analyses of drylands biodiversity and an overview of approaches that promote sustainable development as well as conservation goals.

Genska banka koruze v Sloveniji

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2012

The maize gene bank at the Agronomy Department of the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana is one of the oldest and the most comprehensive plant gene banks, COLLECTIONS in Slovenia. The first maize populations were collected in early 1950s. Presently, in our gene bank, there are 587 maize genotypes. Most of the materials represent domestic flint landraces of maize and selected inbreds with different

Slovenian grapevine germplasm

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2012

Collecting and preserving the genetic pool of the genus Vitis is an important task that we have in Slovenia systematically addressed already in 1980. The possibility to choose between different genotypes gives breeders an opportunitiy to develope of new varieties, both in terms of selection (selecting clones of the variety), as well as the integration of interesting features into the existing gene

Evaluation of genetic resources of white grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.)

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2012

Geographical location, climate and historical affinities are the main factors that have contributed to creating a diverse assortment of grapevine varieties in the area of Slovenia. The grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) can be described at several levels, using different methods. Evaluation can be done on the basis of morphological, morphometrical, biochemical and genetic characteristics of e

Collection of autochthonous germplasm of rocket in the Slovene Plant Gene Bank

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2012

Among the species, that are collectively called rocket, only three species of genus Diplotaxis (D. tenuifolia, D. muralis and D. viminea), can be found growing wild in Slovenia while species from the genus Eruca are not occurring. The Gene Bank of Agricultural Plants at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia holds 19 autochthonous accessions from different parts of Slovenia. The main morphologic

Cabbage genebank and breeding of hybrid varieties (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. f. alba

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2012

Cabbage production in Slovenia has a long tradition. Domestic varieties are bred from autochthonous population from different parts of Slovenia. The characteristics of domestic varieties (e.g. for sauering) are important for Slovenian consumers. On the other hand hybrid cultivars are uniform, give much higher yields and they are resistant to different diseases. So far, cabbage breeding at the Agri

Variability of lettuce genetic resources in the Slovene Plant Gene Bank

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2012

Numerous autochthonous varieties have been developed during centuries of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivation in Slovenia. In the Slovene Plant Gene bank (SPGB), maintained at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, 177 accessions are included that were obtained from various parts of Slovenia in the nineties of the last century. In addition, wild relatives and accessions obtained for the resear

Small fruit gene bank

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2012

Small fruit Gene Bank, as a part of Slovenian plant gene bank (SRGB) includes monitoring and evaluating of autochthonous small fruit plants in situ; collecting and evaluating of autochthonous small fruit plants in the experimental orchard of the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia at Brdo pri Lukovici; collecting of old and new varieties and researches on autochthonous plant material. Autochthonous

Green Grabbing: a new appropriation of nature?

Abril, 2012

Across the world, ‘green grabbing’ – the appropriation of land and resources for environmental ends – is an emerging process of deep and growing significance. The vigorous debate on ‘land grabbing’ already highlights instances where ‘green’ credentials are called upon to justify appropriations of land for food or fuel – as where large tracts of land are acquired not just for ‘more efficient farming’ or ‘food security’, but also to ‘alleviate pressure on forests’.

Advies robuuste verbinding Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2010

In opdracht van de Dienst Landelijk Gebied is het ontwerp voor een robuuste ecologische verbinding tussen de Biesbosch en Loevestein / Munnikenland getoetst. Onderzocht is of de geplande verbinding aan de ontwerprichtlijnen voor robuuste verbindingen voldoet en met welke aanpassingen het functioneren van de verbindingszone eventueel zou kunnen worden verbeterd. Tevens is onderzocht of de inrichting van de robuuste verbinding aansluit bij of conflicteert met de wensen voor landschapsinrichting vanuit het herstelplan Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie.