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Displaying 2581 - 2592 of 2794

The Nyanga and Matopos Estates shall vest in the President and, subject to this Act, shall be held in trust by him for the people of Zimbabwe. The Trustee may, subject to section 5 and of sections 4 and 6, in addition to using the Estates in the manner set out in the Will of Cecil John Rhodes,…


This Act concerns the administration of estates, the ownership of which is not clearly defined of has some legal impediments.Administration shall be carried out by public officers appointed under this Act (i.e. the Master of the High Court, the Deputy Master and Assistant Masters). The Act also…


These Rules amend the Land Disputes Tribunals (Forms and Procedure) Rules, 1993 by deleting the Second Schedule and substituting a new Schedule which lists fees for purposes of the Land Disputes Tribunal Act, 1990.
Amends: Land Disputes Tribunals (Forms and Procedure) Rules, 1993 (Cap.…


La présente loi porte création du Centre National de Gestion Foncière, organe chargé de gérer, superviser et coordonner toutes les activités relatives à l’administration foncière, à l’utilisation et à l’aménagement des terres, . et détermine son organisation, son fonctionnement et sa compétence…


The Act provides for the creation of the Kenya Ports Authority which may administer ports and establish and operate port services. The Act also provides for acquisition of land for the purposes of the Authority. The Minister may make, subject to other legislation, Regulations for the…


This Proclamation provides establishes the Geological Survey of Ethiopia ("Survey") as an autonomous federal government organ having its own juridical personality. The Survey shall be accountable to the Ministry of Mines and Energy. The objective of the Survey shall be to undertake…


This Proclamation defines the proper organization, power and functions of incorporated cities in Oromia Regional State. Municipal Service" includes water and sewerage service. A community of residents which meets the requirements for incorporation through its representatives apply to the…


This Act amends the Asset Recovery Act in various sections concerning, among other things: administrative arrangements, the investigative agency and the enforcement agency.
Amends: Asset Recovery Act (No. 9 of 2011). (2011-05-13)

This Code is made for the The Codes are made for Chairman of the District Land and Housing Tribunal. District Land and Housing Tribunals established under the Land Disputes Courts Act. The Code addresses, among other things, impartiality, diligence, and sanctions for breach of the Code.


Tout projet d'aménagement urbain et de construction publique est soumis à approbation des services compétents. Pour tout projet de construction ou de modification de construction, les départements ministériels, les Établissements Publics, Organismes Parapublics, Sociétés d'Etat ou d…


Ce décret fixe les modalités d'application de l'ordonnance nº 62-023 du 19 septembre 1962 relative à l'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique, à l'acquisition aimiable de propriétés immobilières par l'Etat ou les collectivités publiques secondaires et aux plus-…


Section 14 of the Land Ordinance is hereby amended by the substitution of the following for the last proviso thereto: “Provided that the Governor may without an auction grant a right of occupancy of a site for any church, chapel, mosque, school or other building used solely for religious or…