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Showing items 73549 through 73557 of 73586.The need for further discussion on territoriality in the context of rural development, driven by the political forces of globalization and the economic and social transformations within nations, comes as no surprise.
Developing countries are increasingly focusing more on land policy as part of their development plans. Ghana created its National Land Policy in 1999 but hasn't updated it in over 25 years, despite significant changes in land governance.
Secure land rights for all—women and men, regardless of ethnicity or religion, or civil, economic, social, or political status—are foundational for achieving a world free of poverty, hunger, and systematic gender discrimination.
Direitos à terra seguros para todas e todos - mulheres e homens, independentemente de etnia ou religião, ou status civil, econômico, social ou político - são fundamentais para alcançar um mundo livre de pobreza, fome e discriminação sistemática de gênero.
When UN member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, we celebrated world leaders’ recognition of the foundational and strategic role that sustainable land management must play to advance climate resilience, biodiversity conservation, and maintain sufficient food supplie
Quando os Estados membros da Nações Unidas adotaram os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODSs) em 2015, comemoramos o reconhecimento de líderes mundiais do papel fundamental e estratégico que a gestão sustentável da terra deve desempenhar para promover a resiliência climática, a conservaç
Après un rappel de l’héritage colonial et une critique du mythe de la prospérité coloniale, l’étude évoque les principales transformations opérées au cours des premières décennies (1960-1970) sous l’effet des politiques de réformes agraires (autogestion et révolution agraire), ainsi que les raiso
En juillet 2017, le nouveau Premier ministre, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, tient un Conseil interministériel et procède au gel de plusieurs décisions concernant « l’affectation des réserves foncières destinées à la création de nouvelles exploitations agricoles et d’élevage » [1].
Socle de l’Algérie française, l’appropriation coloniale des terres commence peu avant 1840, dans le sillage des troupes d’occupation. Elle prend son plein essor entre 1871 et 1914, une fois la conquête achevée [Cartes et graphique].
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