Unlocking the potential of the VGGT through Land Degradation Neutrality | Land Portal
Contact details: 
Neil Sorensen, neil.sorensen@landportal.org

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD) is a Convention to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought through national action programs that incorporate long-term strategies supported by international cooperation and partnership arrangements.


At TMG — Töpfer, Müller, Gaßner — Think Tank for Sustainability, we work to empower sustainability transformations by building bridges between different knowledge holders and connecting various communities of  practice. As an independent partner, TMG works with academia,  governments, the private sector and civil society to examine entrenched sustainability challenges, identify new opportunities and initiate innovative solutions for the implementation of international sustainable development agendas. 

Language of the event: 

CFS50 Side Event

13 October 2022, 13:30 – 14:45 pm (GMT +2)

Halting land degradation and restoring land will be critical as the world faces up to the intertwined challenges of ending hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. To varying degrees, land degradation affects 20-40 percent of the global land area undermining the wellbeing of 3.2 billion people. Urgent action is needed to reverse the pervasive impacts of land degradation to secure food and water resources. 

The importance of secure tenure to motivate good land stewardship, both at subsistence level and large scales, has gained precedence in the past years. In 2019, the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) adopted a landmark decision on land tenure. While the UNCCD stands as the only multilateral environmental agreement to explicitly address the issue of land tenure, actors such as the CFS have been actively promoting responsible governance of tenure for nearly a decade. 

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forest in the context of National Food Security (VGGT). This side event will celebrate the occasion, highlight the achievements made and explore how integrating the VGGT into land restoration initiatives can re-energize momentum to enhance tenure security and unlock multiple benefits for food security, poverty reduction, women‘s empowerment and the prevention of natural resource conflicts. 

The event will launch the technical guide on integrating the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forest in the context of National Food Security (VGGT) into land degradation neutrality (LDN) in all 6 UN languages, produced jointly by UNCCD and FAO. The technical guide was well received by the Parties to the UNCCD at COP15, where countries strengthened their commitment on land tenure and called for concerted efforts to further implementation at the national level. The side event will dialogue on these efforts can increase tenure security, particularly for the most vulnerable people and communities, and opens a new chapter in the ongoing efforts to implement the VGGT in the context of desertification, land degradation and drought. It will also explore data storylines by the Land Portal Foundation.

The event will have simultaneous interpretation in English, French, and Spanish.





13:30 – 13:35


Opening of Session and Poll Questions

  • Moderator: Jes Weigelt, Head of Programmes at TMG


13:35 – 13:38


Welcoming Remarks

  • Lifeng Li, Director of the Land and Water Division at FAO


13:38 – 13:45


Opening Keynote

  • Juliet Luwedde, Global Focal Point for UNCCD Youth Caucus 


13:45 – 13:55


A technical guide to advance legitimate tenure rights for land degradation neutrality

  • Aurelie Bres, Land and Water officer at FAO


13:55 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40



Moving into implementation: Unlocking the potential of the VGGT through Land Degradation Neutrality


Setting the global context

  • Marioldy Sanchez, Manager of the Forest Alliance at AIDER, former UNCCD CSO panel member

  • Daniel Hayward, Country Research and Engagement Consultant at Land Portal

  • Maarten de Groot, Deputy Permanent Representative at the Permanent Mission of Canada to the Food and Agriculture Agencies of the UN

  • Ulrich Apel, Senior Environmental Specialist in the Global Environment Facility (GEF) 


National and regional implementation

  • Asher Nkegbe, Upper East Regional Director of the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana and UNCCD National Focal Point for Ghana 

  • Ombretta Tempra, Human Settlements Officer – Land Specialist, GLTN/Arab Land Initiative 


Wrap-up of panel by moderator


14:40 – 14:45


Concluding remarks with next steps


  • Miriam Medel, Chief of External Relations, Policy and Advocacy Unit at UNCCD 



Jes Weigelt, Head of Programmes at TMG

Moderator: Jes Weigelt, Head of Programmes at TMG



Miriam Medel
Miriam Medel, Chief of External Relations, Policy and Advocacy Unit at UNCCD
Lifeng Li
Lifeng Li, Director of the Land and Water Division at FAO
 Juliet Luwedde
Juliet Luwedde, Global Focal Point for UNCCD Youth Caucus 

Aurelie Bres  

Aurelie Bres, Land and Water officer at FAO
  Marioldy Sanchez
Marioldy Sanchez, Manager of the Forest Alliance at AIDER, former UNCCD CSO panel member
  Daniel Hayward
Daniel Hayward, Country Research and Engagement Consultant at the Land Portal Foundation
  Ulrich Apel
Ulrich Apel, Senior Environmental Specialist in the Global Environment Facility (GEF) 
  Maarten de Groot
Maarten de Groot, Deputy Permanent Representative at the Permanent Mission of Canada to the Food and Agriculture Agencies of the UN
Asher Nkegbe
Asher Nkegbe, Upper East Regional Director of the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana and UNCCD National Focal Point for Ghana
Ombretta Tempra
Ombretta Tempra, Human Settlements Officer – Land Specialist, GLTN/Arab Land Initiative 

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