The Land Portal at the World Bank Land Conference 2024 | Land Portal

For over two decades, the World Bank Land Conference has been an important forum for the land sector, bringing together participants from governments, development partners, civil society, academia, and the private sector to showcase research, discuss issues and good practice, and inform policy dialogue. The Conference encourages cross-sectoral knowledge exchange and the Land Portal team is pleased to join the relaunched Land Conference from May 13-17, 2024 in Washington, DC. The Land Conference aims to direct and inform investments in the land sector, facilitate and advance multi-stakeholder dialogues and collaboration, ddvocate for evidence-driven policymaking and share knowledge on emerging best practices and innovative research.


The Land Portal's Agenda

The theme of the 2024 Conference is "Securing Land Tenure and Access for Climate Action." While land tenure and governance underpin climate change adaptation and mitigation, their foundational role is often overlooked.  The Land Portal looks forward to moving the needle forward on important conversations in this regard by taking part in and leading the following discussions. We invite you to join us! 


Building a robust and open land information infrastructure for
tenure security and climate action in Africa 

WHO:  Co-organized by the Land Portal,  Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa, Southern Africa (NELGA SA), and Terra Firma.   

WHEN: 9:00 - 10:45 EST 

WHERE:  Room MC C2-350, World Bank HQ : 1818 H Street N.W.,Washington D.C.

WHAT: Access to information is – in addition to being a right in and of itself – a key enabler of other human rights. This session’s aim is to present the case for more open land data systems at the country-level to support tenure security, transparency, accountability, and sustainable growth in Africa. The session will explore how access to land information is already and will continue to become a pressing issue in the region. 



Open and inclusive land governance data for climate action and accountability

WHO:  Co-organized by the International Land Coalition, Prindex, Land Portal, Land Matrix Initiative, FAO and IFAD, our Managing Director Laura Meggiolaro will be providing her perspective on the panel.  

WHEN: 11:15 - 13:00 EST 

WHERE:  Room MC C2-350, World Bank HQ : 1818 H Street N.W.,Washington D.C.

WHAT: This session will underline the crucial role of partnerships on land governance data to deliver consistent, detailed evidence for policies, programs and actions that aim to secure land tenure, reduce conflict, and foster responsible investments in the global climate crisis. This is particularly important as global climate action increases pressure on land due to a growing demand for nature-based carbon offsets, transition minerals and renewable energy.


Integrating land tenure into sustainable land management - National multistakeholder consultations to restore degraded land, boost climate resilience, and improve local livelihoods 


WHO: Co-organized by UNCCD and the FAO, our Knowledge Management Officer Romy Sato will be contributing to the panel global and donor perspectives 

WHEN: Thursday, 16th of May @ 14:00 - 15:45 EST 

WHERE: Preston, World Bank HQ : 1818 H Street N.W.,Washington D.C.

WHAT: Integrating land tenure considerations into land degradation neutrality (LDN) and land restoration policies, projects, and programmes can contribute to better land and water management and other regenerative practices that boost food and water security, rural livelihoods, climate change mitigation, and the resilience of people and ecosystems. Inclusive governance, tenure security, and participatory land use planning are often important enablers for implementing integrated landscape management activities which can have a transformative impact on the environment, economy, and people while helping to resolve ongoing or potential conflicts among communities. This FAO–UNCCD led session aims to strengthen collaboration among partners, countries, and donors to ensure that land tenure considerations and sustainable land management are seen as actionable priorities to achieve equitable development outcomes.  

See the flyer for more details.



Celebrating the Land Portal's 15th Annversary 

We are thrilled to invite you to the 15th Anniversary Celebration of the Land Portal Foundation, marking a decade and a half of commitment to fostering an inclusive and accessible data ecosystem on land governance. Our event has been now merged with a multi-sectoral dialogue on challenges and opportunities in securing land tenure rights of IPLCs to achieve global climate goals, together with Rights and Resources Initiative, Landesa, Cadasta, and Forest Trends. RSVP required.


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