International Institute for Environment and Development | Page 74 | Land Portal
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Reino Unido


Our mission is to build a fairer, more sustainable world, using evidence, action and influence in partnership with others.

Who we are

IIED is one of the world’s most influential international development and environment policy research organisations. Founded in 1971 by economist Barbara Ward, who forged the concept and cause of sustainable development, we work with partners on five continents. We build bridges between policy and practice, rich and poor communities, the government and private sector, and across diverse interest groups. We contribute to many international policy processes and frameworks, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the UN conventions on climate change and biological diversity.

What we do

IIED carries out research, advice and advocacy work. We carry out action research — generating robust evidence and know-how that is informed by a practical perspective acquired through hands-on research with grassroots partners — and we publish in journals and maintain high research standards. We advise government, business and development agencies, and we argue for changes in public policy. We focus on bottom-up solutions, stay open to flexible, adaptable solutions and are marked by a tradition of challenging conventional wisdom through original thinking.

International Institute for Environment and Development Resources

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Geographical focus: 


The project aims to (i) strengthen capacities of key stakeholders in establishing recognition of claims to land access and to (ii) establish legitimate and sustainable mechanisms of multi-stakeholder consultation for decision-making concerning the revision of legal frameworks, policy strategies and administrative regulations which influence the rights of access to and use of land and natural resources for rural actors in Cameroon

Library Resource
Artigos e Livros

Although «urban» and «rural» development are often considered as in opposition to each other and seen as competing with each other for investment and support, many urban centres owe much of their economic base to agriculture. Ironically, one of the best tests of whether rural development is working is whether local urban centres are booming - as increasing agricultural output is served by markets and producer services there, and as real increases in income for a wide range of rural households are reflected in increased demand for goods and services provided by urban-based enterprises.

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