Call for proposals: Twinning arrangements for exchange of knowledge, experiences and networking in land governance | Land Portal

The Arab Land Initiative, facilitated by the Global Land Tool Network and UN-Habitat, is launching a call for proposals to solicit the interest from organisations working in the Arab region to the twinning arrangement initiative. The initiative aims at pairing two organisations from countries in the Arab region (or one from the region and one from outside the region) to exchange knowledge and experiences, and build networks in the area of good land governance and land administration.

The collaborations will contribute to the establishment of a wider land network and help achieve specific goals, creating linkages to address land-related issues and developing projects, by sharing knowledge and identifying further potential partners.

Applications can be submitted in English, Arabic or French until – and no later than – 15 February 2021. More information on the call for proposals is provided in the document below. For further clarifications please contact us at


Call for proposals-Twinning arrangements (English)
Call for proposals-Twinning arrangements (French)
Call for proposals-Twinning arrangements (Arabic)

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