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Map of Guinea-Bissau


Guiné-Bissau tem sido descrito como um país de "complexidade precária"[1]. Lar de mais de 20 grupos étnicos, Guiné-Bissau lutou uma das mais longas guerras do continente africano para pôr fim a séculos de controle português. Finalmente obteve a independência em 1974. Desde 1980, a história da Guiné-Bissau tem sido marcada por múltiplos golpes militares e extrema fragilidade. Esta instabilidade política tem provocado o aumento da pobreza e paralisado as reformas legais para garantir os direitos à terra. Em 2008, o Escritório das Nações Unidas sobre Drogas e Crime declarou a Guiné-Bissau como sendo o primeiro "narcoestado" da África [2]. 
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Foto: Joe Saade/ONU Mulheres/Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Angola, Guiné-Bissau e Moçambique citados em estudo ressaltando 35% de mortes relacionadas ao clima e à água no continente; Organização Meteorológica Mundial indica que apenas 40% da população africana tem acesso a sistemas de alerta precoce;…
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United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
United States dollar


The objective is to contribute to the promotion of responsible governance of land tenure systems (public, private, communal, customary and informal systems). Specifically, the project supports the implementation of the land law and its regulations. The project has two cluster of activities: 1) improvement of the capacity of local land administrations (cadastre)and of customary tenure institutions 2) support for the allocation and delimitation of community lands.

Project duration:
United States dollar


This programme aims at supporting African stakeholders in strengthening the role of Africa's forests and trees to adapt to climate change in ways that enhance liverlihoods, sustain buidiversity and improve the quality of the environment

European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
United States dollar


The objective is to contribute to the promotion of responsible governance of land tenure systems (public, private, communal, customary and informal systems). Specifically, the project supports the implementation of the land law and its regulations. The project has two cluster of activities: 1) improvement of the capacity of local land administrations (cadastre)and of customary tenure institutions 2) support for the allocation and delimitation of community lands.

Project duration:
United States dollar


This programme aims at supporting African stakeholders in strengthening the role of Africa's forests and trees to adapt to climate change in ways that enhance liverlihoods, sustain buidiversity and improve the quality of the environment

European Union

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
United States dollar


The objective is to contribute to the promotion of responsible governance of land tenure systems (public, private, communal, customary and informal systems). Specifically, the project supports the implementation of the land law and its regulations. The project has two cluster of activities: 1) improvement of the capacity of local land administrations (cadastre)and of customary tenure institutions 2) support for the allocation and delimitation of community lands.

Project duration:
United States dollar


This programme aims at supporting African stakeholders in strengthening the role of Africa's forests and trees to adapt to climate change in ways that enhance liverlihoods, sustain buidiversity and improve the quality of the environment

European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
United States dollar


The objective is to contribute to the promotion of responsible governance of land tenure systems (public, private, communal, customary and informal systems). Specifically, the project supports the implementation of the land law and its regulations. The project has two cluster of activities: 1) improvement of the capacity of local land administrations (cadastre)and of customary tenure institutions 2) support for the allocation and delimitation of community lands.

Project duration:
United States dollar


This programme aims at supporting African stakeholders in strengthening the role of Africa's forests and trees to adapt to climate change in ways that enhance liverlihoods, sustain buidiversity and improve the quality of the environment

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Government of Sweden, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Government of Switzerland

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
United States dollar


The objective is to contribute to the promotion of responsible governance of land tenure systems (public, private, communal, customary and informal systems). Specifically, the project supports the implementation of the land law and its regulations. The project has two cluster of activities: 1) improvement of the capacity of local land administrations (cadastre)and of customary tenure institutions 2) support for the allocation and delimitation of community lands.

Project duration:
United States dollar


This programme aims at supporting African stakeholders in strengthening the role of Africa's forests and trees to adapt to climate change in ways that enhance liverlihoods, sustain buidiversity and improve the quality of the environment

Other organizations (Projects Database), Government of France
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Os sistemas costumeiros de posse de terra na Guiné Bissau são complexos. Cada um dos mais de 20 grupos étnicos diferentes desenvolveu sua própria versão da lei consuetudinária e das práticas de administração de terras. 

    Situação atual A segurança alimentar e nutricional e a erradicação da fome dependem diretamente do modo de governança de terras adotado em determinado território, entre outros. A universalização dessas preocupações, abordando também as questões de boa integração social e ambiental, foi…
O programa do IV Congresso Internacional de Educação Ambiental dos Países e Comunidades de Língua Portuguesa dá continuidade à metodologia dos congressos anteriores, contribuindo para a formulação de políticas públicas que ajudem ao fortalecimento da educação ambiental nos países Lusófonos e Galiza…
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10 Janeiro 2024