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Habitat (Coastal Belt) (Wales) Regulations 1994 (S.I. No. 3101 of 1994).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations provide for aid to eligible persons, defined in regulation 2, who undertake not to use eligible land for agricultural purposes for a period of 10 years. The beneficiary agrees with the Secretary of State upon a programme of management for the land and shall comply with obligations undertaken under these Regulations.

Habitat (Former Set-aside Land) Regulations 1994 (S.I. No. 1292 of 1994).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations implement Community legislation on agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements of the protection of the environment and the maintenance of the countryside. The Regulations provide for the payment of aid to eligible persons who in respect of eligible land undertake not to use such land for agricultural production for a period of 20 years and to manage the land in accordance with the requirements set out in the Schedule to the Regulations with the purpose of maintaining, improving or protecting a wildlife habitat.

Règlement grand-ducal concernant l'utilisation de fertilisants azotés dans l'agriculture.

Western Europe

Le présent règlement vise à réduire la pollution des eaux provoquée ou induite par les nitrates à partir de sources agricoles; prévenir toute nouvelle pollution de ce type. Le texte comprend 12 articles dont les plus importants sont: Compétences (4); Guide des bonnes pratiques agricoles (5); Interdictions et restrictions (6). Deux annexes sont jointes: Quantités maximales de fumure azotée en application de l'article 6 A (I); Quantités maximales de fumure azotée en application de l'article 6 B.

Resolution No. 03/2000/QD-CP on farm economy.

South-Eastern Asia

This Resolution is concerned with the development of various aspects of farming. These aspects include land allocation, production planning, water conservancy, water supply, knowledge of the market, management skills and techniques, etc. The Resolution outlines the basic features of the present farm economy and the general policy of the State towards farm economy and policy relative to a specific aspect, i.e. land policy, tax policy, investment policy, labour policy regarding technological and scientific development, market policy, and a farm assets protection policy.

Decreto Nº 306 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 30 de 1986 y la Ley Nº 333 de 1996.

South America

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley Nº 30 de 1986 y la Ley Nº 333 de 1996 El inventario que levanten las autoridades en la diligencia de incautación de los bienes, deberá contener: 1) identificación, ubicación y extensión del bien; 2) estado del bien; 3) uso actual del bien; 4) mejoras y bienes muebles vinculados a éste y su descripción específica.

Ordinance on agricultural lease.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance regulates the implementation of the Federal Agricultural Lease Act of 4 October 1985. Article 2 names the Agricultural Centre of Ebenrain as competent authority in all related matters; article 3 deals with authorities entitled to file an appeal and the relevant proceedings; article 4 concerns legal protection; and article 7 fixes the entry into force.

Implements: Loi fédérale sur le bail à ferme agricole. (2014-01-01)

Ordinance on alpine farms (Alpine Management Ordinance).

Western Europe

The purpose of the present Ordinance is to regulate the cultivation and management of alpine regions and the related existing rights of lease and preemption thereof. The kind and extension of the cultivation and management shall be carried out according to ecological principles. In such a way a sustainable development of agricultural land shall be guaranteed and a wide plant variety shall be promoted. Typical endemic plant societies shall be conserved.

Arable Area Payments Regulations 1995 (S.I. No. 1738 of 1995).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations, which apply throughout Great Britain, implement and supplement provisions of Council Regulation No. 1765/92, which establishes a support system for producers of certain arable crops. Producers of particular crops are entitled to receive compensatory payment, calculated according to the area which they have sown with such crops. The payment varies with the production region in which the land lies. Article 7 of the Council Regulation requires all producers claiming compensatory payments to set part of their land aside for two years.

Resolución Nº 223/95 - Entrega de tierras estatales ociosas en usufructo a pequeños agricultores.


La Resolución, que consta de 8 párrafos, en base al artículo 3º del Decreto Ley Nº 125, de 30 de enero de 1991, que permite la entrega de tierras estatales en usufructo, y de las Resoluciones Nº 356/93, de 28 de septiembre de 1993, 357/93, de 28 de septiembre de 1993, y 419/94, de 6 de septiembre de 1994, que autorizan la entrega de tierras en usufructo para el autoabastecimiento familiar (en cantidad de 6 cordeles), y para los cultivos del tabaco y café respectivamente, dispone en el párrafo 1º la entrega de tierras estatales ociosas en concepto de usufructo a pequeños agricultores para su

Décret nº 94-265 portant création d'un périmètre public irrigué à Sidi-Shill - Sidi Ali J'Bini.

Northern Africa

Ce décret porte création d'un périmètre public irrigué à Sidi-Shill - Sidi Ali J'Bini. Il fixe à 60 ha la limite de la superficie totale des parcelles appartenant à un même propriétaire. La contribution aux investissememnts publics effectués dans ce périmètre est fixée à 600 dinars par hectare irrigable. Le périmètre est classé dans les zones d'interdictions prévues par l'article 4 de la loi nº 83-87 relative à la protection des terres agricoles.

Land Administration Law implementing Regulations.

Eastern Asia

These Regulations are formulated in order to execute the national primary policy of the rational utilization of land and protecting the farmland, carry out the restriction of land use, to control the total amount of land use for construction. Conversion of land from agriculture use to construction use is strictly controlled. The province shall implement a registration system in accordance with the Law. The local government shall compile the comprehensive land use plans.