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Displaying 1981 - 1992 of 2293

Savannah Sound Commonage Rules (Cap. 152).


These Rules, made under section 11 of the Commonage Act, concern commoners in the Savannah Sound area. The Rules require commoners to register with the Commissioner and specify conditions for registration as a commoner and the application for land by a commoner. The Rules also, among other things: regulate elections and meetings of commoners; provide rules regarding the setting of fire to land; provide for resolution of disputes between commoners in relating to the use of land by the Land Policy Committee; and secure free access to water resources by commoners.

Ministerial Joint Decree No. 125347/568 establishing Codes of Good Agricultural Practice.

Southern Europe

With the purpose of addressing issues related to agricultural activities and providing good management practice on how to avoid polluting water, air and soil, this Decree establishes certain practices to be applied by farmers and others involved in agricultural activities, named Codes of Good Agricultural Practice. The Codes aim at: the sustainable management of agricultural lands and natural resources, the protection and safeguarding of rural landscape and its specific characteristics, farmers and consumers health protection.

Decree of the president on measures for deepening of land and agrarian reform in the Kyrghyz Republic.

Central Asia

This Decree contains a series of considerations and rules pertinent to land and agrarian reform and the allocation of land shares to citizens living and working in rural areas in kolkhozes and sovkhozes. Tasks of central and local authorities in this respect are formulated. It is determined that the citizens of the Kyrghyz Republic and legal persons of the Kyrgyz Republic enjoy the right to use land shares and sale, exchange, inherit, use as a collateral, rent this right to use land share. The setting up of a land reallocation fund is considered and exchange of land provided for.

Décret nº 96-188/P-RM portant organisation de la gérance des terres affectées à l'office du Niger.

Western Africa

Ce décret porte organisation de la gérance des terres affectées à l' office du Niger. La gérance de ces terres, en particulier de celles aménagées, équipées et irriguées ou irrigables, est confiée à l'office du Niger afin de mener à bien la mission de mise en valeur et de développement du Delta central du fleuve Niger. A cette fin, ces terres sont immatriculées au nom de l'Etat malien. L'office du Niger assure aux exploitants une assistance conseil sur les techniques culturales et de gestion des exploitations et encourage la création de groupements d'exploitants. De même.

Implementation Measures of the Shanxi Province on the "Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China".

Eastern Asia

These measures propose to strengthen land administration, the protection of land rights, and to improve utilization of land in Shanxi. Chapter I provides for administration of land. The local government shall restrict conversion of land for agriculture to land for construction. Chapter 2 concerns ownership of land and land use rights. The Province shall implement a land registration system in accordance with the Law. Chapter 3 makes provision for comprehensive land utilization plans to be drawn up by local governments. Chapter 4 contains provisions for the protection of farmland.

Land in Care Scheme (Tir Gofal) (Wales) Regulations 1999 (S.I. No. 1176 of 1999).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations, which apply to Wales, contain the provisions of a new agri-environment scheme implementing in part a zonal programme approved by the European Commission under article 7 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 2078/92 on agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements for the protection of the environment and the maintenance of the countryside.

Ministerial Decree No. 326 regarding licensing of some types of activity.

Eastern Europe

The Government decrees to validate the list of the Federal Executive Bodies authorized to issue licenses and the list of activities subject to licensing. The Federal Tax Service is authorized to license production, storage, delivery, import/export of ethyl alcohol, spirits and spirit-containing products for alimentary use, production and wholesale trade of tobacco products. The Ministry of Natural Resources is authorized to license well sinking and exploitation of waterworks.

Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland.

Eastern Asia

These Regulations aim at implementing the special protection of the basic farmland and promoting the development of agricultural production and the national economy. "Basic farmland" means cultivated land which is determined in accordance with the demand of the population of agricultural products, the needs of the national economy, as well as a forecast of the use of land for construction for specified period of time, and which shall not be occupied for other uses for a long term, or within the specified protective period.

Ministerial Decree No.329 of 1994 regarding validation of the Regulation on allotment of the plots of land for state and public needs.

Central Asia

The present Regulation establishes the modalities of the institution and examination of the applications of enterprises, institutions and organizations, and also of citizens regarding concession of the plots of land out of all categories of land irrespectively of the type of ownership except for cases envisaged by the legislation. Concession of land shall be carried out in the form of allotment in accordance with decree of the Government or of the respective organ of executive power. The document consists of 6 sections. Section 1 lays down general provisions.

Implementation of Decree No. 342 of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on distribution of 50.000 hectares of land for personal use of the population.

Central Asia

New land shall be distributed for personal use so that the total amount of land for personal use and irrigated additional land ads up to seventeen percent of the total of arable land. Before allocation of land, the local entities mentioned in article 2 shall monitor and register the existing irrigated lands and other data needed for allocation. Priority shall be given to small plots, and land that has not been cultivated for a long time and has a low productivity.

Habitat (Salt Marsh) (Amendment) Regulations 1995 (S.I. No. 2871 of 1995).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations add a new payment rate for aid for set-aside land managed in accordance with the management obligations in the principal Regulations 1994. Now the beneficiary may alter the area of land to be counted as set-aside land during the management period. Requirements concerning information to be included in the application for aid are also amended. The provisions regarding recovery are altered so as to give the Minister power to recover the difference between the old and the new payment rate. (9 regulations)

Habitat (Broadleaved Woodland) (Wales) Regulations 1994 (S.I. No. 3099 of 1994).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

The aid granted under these Regulations aims at the management of land of broadleaved woodland compatible with the requirements of the protection of the environment the beneficiaries of aid shall conclude an agreement with the Secretary of State in which management requirements laid down in the Schedule to these Regulations are included.