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Ministerial Decree No. 499 regarding involvement of arable land in agriculture.

Central Asia

Involvement of arable land in agriculture is one of the most important tasks of the agricultural institutions that shall contribute to rising up agricultural production. The Government decrees to validate the Regulation on organization of dehkan farms and the Regulation on the formation and concession of special land stock. Regulation on organization of dehkan farms establishes that dehkan farms shall be set up on lands of special land stocks by executive committees of the local Councils of people’s deputies, and also on lands of kolkhozes, sovkhozes and other agricultural enterprises.

Farm Lands Ownership Regulation (Man. Reg. 204/87).

Northern America

The present Regulation implements the Farm Lands Ownership Act. Section 2 establishes that where an application is made to the Board for an exemption from any provision of the Farm Lands Ownership Act, the Board may give favourable consideration to applicants or to acquisitions of land that meet the guidelines listed in this section. The text consists of 3 sections.

Implements: Farm Lands Ownership Act (C.C.S.M. c. F.35). (2015)

Council of Ministers Decree No. 117/CCM on the management and use of forests and forested land.

South-Eastern Asia

Part I, Management of forests and forested lands: provisions are made on social and community forestry in order to preserve, manage, maintain, rehabilitate forests and forested lands by maen of strategic planning, appointing Directors of Forestry to organize, supervise and implement the plans, encouraging investments in forestry industrial production.

Lesotho Highlands Development Authority Order (No. 23 of 1986).

Southern Africa

This Order establishes the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority as a body corporate and provides with respect to its functions, powers, administration and operation. The Act also concerns development of Lesotho Highlands and ancillary development matters such as water management and conservation, regulation of fisheries and protection of the environment.

Coffee (Cultivation and Processing) Rules.

Eastern Africa

The Rules concern the growing, processing, purchase and marketing of coffee. They shall apply to all coffee growing in Kenya. Geographical restrictions are placed on the growing of (a type of) coffee. The Kenya Coffee Board, in granting licences under the Coffee Act, shall have regard to the potential benefits in terms of development that the granting of a licence may bring about.

Agriculture (Environmental Areas) (Northern Ireland) Order 1987 (S.I. No. 458 (N.I. 3)).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Order, which is made only for purposes corresponding to those of section 18 of the Agriculture Act 1986, makes provision for the designation and management of environmentally sensitive areas where maintaining or adopting particular agricultural methods is likely to facilitate the conservation, enhancement or protection of specified aspects of the environment.

Decreto Nº 681/81 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 22.428, Régimen legal para el fomento de la acción privada y pública tendiente a la conservación y recuperación de la capacidad productiva de los suelos.

South America

El Decreto, que consta de 29 artículos, implementa la Ley Nº 22.428, de 11 marzo 1981, por la cual se dictan normas para fomentar la aplicación de prácticas conservacionistas del manejo de los suelos por los productores agropecuarios.

Decreto Nº 118/1973 - Ley de reforma y desarrollo agrario.

Southern Europe

La Ley consta de 4 libros, 292 artículos, 9 disposiciones finales, 15 transitorias y 1 derogatoria. INDICE: Libro I - Normas Orgánicas: Instituto Nacional de Reforma y Desarrollo Agrario (I); Consejo del Instituto (II); Jurado de fincas mejorables (III); Comisiones locales de concentración parcelaria (IV); Juntas provinciales, comarcales y locales (V).

Ordonnance nº 71-088 fixant les conditions d'attribution des terrains en bordure des route nationales et régionales.

Central African Republic
Middle Africa

Cette ordonnance porte délimitation des superficies maxima des terrains attribués en zone rurale en bordure des routes nationales et régionales: 25 hectares pour les plantations de produits d'exportation, 5 hectares pour les plantations de type familial, 100 hectares pour toute plantation se trouvant à une distance de 500 m. de ces routes. En longueur, la limite est de 100 mètres le long de l'axe routier. Des dérogations peuvent être accordées sur décision du Chef de l'Etat.