Definition of Boundaries Ordinance 1844 (No. 1 of 1844).
The Ordinance aims at facilitating the identification of land boundaries in Sri Lanka.
The Ordinance aims at facilitating the identification of land boundaries in Sri Lanka.
The Surveyor-General or any of his assistants have the power to demand to any person claiming to be the owner or occupier of lands or premises the production of deeds, documents or instruments upon which such person founds his claim. Said power include also the power of examining such deeds, documents and instruments.
This Act provides rules relative to the identification of borders and ownership of land.The sections of this Act are divided into 5 Chapters: General provisions (I); Survey (II); Partition of land (III); Registration and related matters (IV); Miscellaneous provisions, entry into force, and amendment of other Acts (V).The municipalities are vested with the authority to register real property and to decide on matters of partition (sect. 3). Section 4 of Chapter II deals with marking of borders.
The Directive aims at accelerating and completing the allotment of land and the granting of agricultural land tenure certificates, which was enforced by Decree No. 64-CP of 27 September 1993. All organizations and individuals that have been assigned land by the State or are directly managing and using land for agricultural production, forestry, aquaculture or salt production but have not yet been granted land tenure certificates, shall have to declare and register the total land area they are using at the commune People's Committees for consideration and granting of certificates.
This Circular establishes the procedure for land declaration and registration, the compilation of cadastral dossiers and the granting of land tenure certificates.
This Act provides for the procedures relative to the keeping of land registers. The text of the Act consists of 81 sections divided into 11 Chapters: General provisions (1); Content of land register (2); Register entries (3); Registration; (4); Division and merger of registered immovable properties (5); Correction of Register entries (6); Rewriting and rewording (7); Appeals and complaints (8); Closing register part (9); Access and extracts (10); Electronic Land Register (11); Implementation of Act (11). Land registries located in county and city courts shall maintain land registers (sect.
The Act amends several sections of the Agrarian Services Act 1979, concerning inter alia the procedure of eviction of paddy lands, the nomination of successors to the rights of tenant cultivators, the effects of transfer of rights of tenant cultivators, the payment and recovery of rent, the Agrarian Services Committees, the Cultivation Officers, the purposes for which paddy land may be used.The following new sections are inserted: (a) 5A and 5B on exemption of paddy lands; (b) 12A on the sale of paddy lands and tenancy rights; (c) 16A on willful neglect of cultivation by the tenant cultivat
Ce décret fixe les règles d'organisation et de fonctionnement et le mode d'intervention du fonds de soutien de la délimitation du patrimoine foncier, qui a été créé au bénéfice de l'office de la topographie et de la cartographie. Le décret indique quelles sont les ressources et les modalités de gestion du fonds et porte les dispositions relatives à la création, la composition et les attributions di comité de gestion du fonds.
El Reglamento de la inspección estatal de hidrografía y geodesia, que consta de 4 capítulos, 28 artículos, 2 disposiciones especiales y 3 finales, define la Inspección estatal de hidrografía y geodesia (IEHG), como el conjunto de actividades que dirige el Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias y ejecuta el órgano de Dirección Estatal de Hidrografía y Geodesia de ese organismo, con vistas a comprobar el cumplimiento de la legislación, normas y disposiciones vigentes para la realización de las producciones y los servicios de hidrografía y geodesia, así como el establecimiento de lo
Cet arrêté fixe les instructions relatives au bornage des immeubles qui doivent être immatriculés.
Met en oeuvre: Ordonnance 0/92/019 portant Code foncier et domanial. (1992-03-30)
Cet arrêté fixe les instructions techniques relatives à l'établissement du plan foncier, tant en milieu urbain qu'en mileu rural.
Met en oeuvre: Ordonnance 0/92/019 portant Code foncier et domanial. (1992-03-30)
Cet arrêté détermine le modèle du plan de l'immeuble et sa codification.
Met en oeuvre: Ordonnance 0/92/019 portant Code foncier et domanial. (1992-03-30)