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Community Organizations International Water Management Institute
International Water Management Institute
International Water Management Institute
University or Research Institution
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+94-11 2880000


127 Sunil Mawatha
Pelawatte, Battaramulla,
Sri Lanka
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CGIAR is the only worldwide partnership addressing agricu

The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a non-profit, scientific research organization focusing on the sustainable use of water and land resources in developing countries. It is headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, with regional offices across Asia and Africa. IWMI works in partnership with governments, civil society and the private sector to develop scalable agricultural water management solutions that have a real impact on poverty reduction, food security and ecosystem health. IWMI is a member of CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food-secure future.

IWMI’s Mission is to provide evidence-based solutions to sustainably manage water and land resources for food security, people’s livelihoods and the environment.

IWMI’s Vision, as reflected in the Strategy 2014-2018, is ‘a water-secure world’. IWMI targets water and land management challenges faced by poor communities in the developing countries, and through this contributes towards the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of reducing poverty and hunger, and maintaining a sustainable environment. These are also the goals of CGIAR.

IWMI works through collaborative research with many partners in the North and South, and targets policymakers, development agencies, individual farmers and private sector organizations.





Diana Suhardiman
Emily Koo


Displaying 736 - 740 of 959

Suivi par teledetection des cultures de decrue dans la vallee du fleuve Senegal en saison froide 2000/2001. In FrenchEstimating crop yield in flood recession agriculture in the Senegal River Valley using remote sensing

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2001
África occidental

In the Senegal river floodplain, irrigated agriculture and traditional flood recession crops (mainly sorghum) coexist. The latter depends upon the extent of the annual flood, which is partly a function of the amount of water released from the upstream Manantali reservoir. Even though recession sorghum yield is clearly smaller than that of irrigated rice, this production system, because it covers a large area, is a major contributor to total food production in Podor and Matam departments. It is therefore important to quantify areas and yields.

Valuing water in irrigated agriculture and reservoir fisheries: a multiple-use irrigation system in Sri Lanka

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2001
Sri Lanka
Asia sudoriental

Although irrigation projects often provide water for more than crop irrigation, water allocation and management decisions often do not account for nonirrigation uses of water. Failure to account for the multiple uses of irrigation water may result in inefficient and inequitable water allocation decisions. Decision-makers often lack information on the relative economic contributions of water in irrigation and nonirrigation uses. This report addresses this problem.

Using remote sensing techniques to evaluate lining efficacy of watercourses

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2001
Asia meridional

Studies the low-cost alternative strategy of selective lining of watercourses to reduce seepage and increase irrigated areas in the Indian subcontinent. Satellite remote-sensing (SRS) is seen as a cost-effective evaluation tool in view of its large area of synoptic and repetitive coverage.

Water for rural development: Background paper on water for rural development prepared for the World Bank

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2001
Asia meridional
Asia oriental
Asia central
Asia occidental
África septentrional
América central
América del Sur

This paper on Water for Rural Development is divided into two parts. The first part outlines the most important issues from IWMI's point of view on water for rural development, with a focus on developing countries. This part identifies, discusses and provides recommendations for key areas for interventions in water resources development and management in the context of rural development. The second part of the document provides analyses of present and future water resources in the World Bank's defined regions.