Nigeria is a populous middle-income country that heavily relies on revenues from oil and gas exports, ranking among the 10 biggest oil exporters in the world. However, agriculture is as important to Nigeria’s economy contributing 21.9% to the GDP and providing employment for more than half the rural population.
Socio-economic indicators
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Land Area
91,077,000 ha
4,922.6 USD
Total population
Urban population
50.3 %
Land-related indicators
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Women owning land
1.1 %
NewsBrowse all
03 February 2023
By Abdullah Tijani
This story has been developed as part of Nieves Zúñiga’s 2022 LEDE Fellowship project awarded by the Solutions Journalism Network and developed in collaboration with Land Portal.
A decade ago, 15-year-old Muhammad Anas joined his father to till and plant on their 15-plot family…
30 January 2023
NELGA has put out nine country profiles about South Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Tunisia, Egypt, and Mauritania. These profiles give information about pastoralism and small-scale agriculture in these countries. Through research on the current state of land governance…
08 December 2022
When an American oil company discovered a massive natural gas reserve off the coast of Mozambique in early 2010, the country appeared poised for a brighter future. After more than a decade of relying on foreign aid to recover from a bloody civil war, here was an opportunity to gain financial…
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Even if Nigeria’s Constitution provides equal land, divorce, and inheritance rights to men and women, according to customary practices, women are regarded as their spouse’s property and as such are not entitled to own land themselves.
BlogsBrowse all
05 July 2021
In the second PhD session of the LANDac Conference 2021, three PhD researchers presented their work in progress. We learned about slums in Abuja, Nigeria, about forest rights in India, and about the relation between inequalities in soil fertility, gender, and access to subsidies. Each presentation…
EventsBrowse all
Qual a raiz da desigualdade? A posse tradicional e os direitos da mulher à terra na África Ocidental
Cadastre-se aqui!
Em grande parte da África Ocidental, as mulheres são consideradas como as responsáveis pelo fornecimento de alimentos para a família. Entretanto, as mulheres não apenas possuem menos terra, mas também enfrentam diversos obstáculos no acesso à mesma através de repasses…
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