Sub-Saharan Africa
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16 September 2024
Deadline extended to 11 October 2024.***********The Land Portal Foundation seeks two dynamic and highly motivated research consultants to conduct desk research about various land governance issues, as well as on land data governance.The research on land governance issues will contribute to Land…
07 May 2024
O programa de Governança Integrada de Terras e Recursos II (Integrated Land and Resource Governance II - ILRG II), financiado pela Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID), procura Documentos Conceptuais para o Fundo de Subvenções para Defensores Ambientais, concebido…
07 May 2024
ILRG II seeks concept papers for the Environmental Defenders Grant Fund, designed to support environmental defender organizations with the resources necessary to enhance their impact in addressing the land-related root cause of threats, and ensure the long-term sustainability of their vital work:…
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28 October 2024
Photo: Youth in Rwanda engage in a Q & A session (Creative Commons Attribution)
As I addressed the Fourth International Conference on Youth and Land Governance in Africa (CIGOFA4), I reflected on the critical issue of youth and land access in Africa, which remains a significant barrier to…
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Data: Quinta-feira, 22 de junho de 2023, 14:00-3:30 CEST | 3:00-4:30 EAT
Na governança da terra, a boa governança de dados é fundamental para garantir que o uso e a alocação da terra sejam justos e responsáveis, e que os direitos de posse possam ser defendidos e protegidos. As consequências da…
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