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Community Organizations LANDac
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LANDac, the Netherlands Academie on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development, is a partnership between Dutch organizations working on land governance. The partners are the International Development Studies (IDS) group at Utrecht University (leading partner), African Studies Centre, Agriterra, the Sociology of Development and Change (SDC) group at Wageningen University, the Land Portal Foundation, HIVOS, the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Enclude Solutions. LANDac is one of the IS-Academies, a series of programs sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to improve and strengthen linkages between academia and development practitioners in the field of international cooperation (IS Academies for International Cooperation)

LANDac aims at bringing together researchers, policy makers and development practitioners in the field of land governance and development. The LANDac network conducts research, brings together actors and distributes information, focusing on new pressures and competing claims on land and natural resources. LANDac studies the impact of large-scale land deals in agriculture for food production andf biofuels, urbanization, tourism; and the role of land laws, reforms, regulations, and voluntary guidelines and principles, in dealing with new pressures. LANDac has six PhD research projects and several related PhDs; moreover, 17 short-term research projects have been carried out in collaboration with Southern partners.


LANDac, the IS Academy on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development, aims at bringing together researchers, policy makers and practitioners in the field of land governance and development.

Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development

LANDac is a partnership between several Dutch organisations and their Southern partners involved in development-related research, policy and practice. The partners share a concern for increasing land inequality and new land-related conflicts, and how land governance – rules and practices on access to land – can be used to promote equitable and sustainable development in the Global South.

LANDac is one of the IS Academies for International Cooperation sponsored by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Gemma Betsema


Displaying 16 - 20 of 31

Addressing Land Governance in International Responsible Business Conduct Agreements

Manuals & Guidelines
Reports & Research
Enero, 2018

The study was commissioned to the KIT Royal Tropical Institute in July 2017 by the Land Dialogue, with financial support from the Dutch Government. The objective is to provide insight and guidance into the relevance of land governance as a possible priority theme t o be considered in the process of the International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) Agreements.

Food Security and Governance Factsheet: Afghanistan

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2016

In Afghanistan, insecurity over land and water rights hampers investments in food production and irrigation. In rural areas, customary tenure systems, partly based on religious law, are the most relevant but suffer from weak recognition and offer little protection to rights holders. The land policy reform is on-going but remains slow. Moreover, land administration capacity is weak and improvements mostly take place in urban areas. In this context, land disputes are common and often violent.

Global Scaling up of Women’s Land Rights

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2016

A discussion paper attempting to take stock of what works and does not work in interventions seeking to promote and enhance women’s land rights. Looks at both individual and community land tenure, rural and urban land, arable and forest land. Describes a variety of interventions in as much detail as possible to understand why the intervention worked or not. Makes recommendations for scaling up women’s land rights.