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Community Organizations Zambia Land Alliance
Zambia Land Alliance
Zambia Land Alliance
Civil Society Organization
Non Governmental organization

Focal point

Patrick Musole
Phone number


401A St Johns Road, Makeni Bonaventure
Bona Venture - Makeni Lusaka
Postal address
Bona Venture - Makeni Lusaka
Working languages

Established in 1997, Zambia Land Alliance (ZLA) is a network of Non-Governmental Organizations promoting fair land policies, laws and land administration which takes into account the needs of the poor.

ZLA has been promoting equitable access and secured ownership of land by the rural and urban poor through lobbying, advocacy, networking, research and community partnership.

Vision: A Zambia in which poor and vulnerable citizens have equitable and secured access, ownership and control over land for sustainable development.

Mission: Zambia Land Alliance is a platform for collective action committed to promoting equitable access, control and secured ownership of land by the rural, peri-urban and urban poor and marginalised, through lobbying and advocacy, networking, research and community partnership

ZLA operates through a National Secretariat located in Lusaka with seven (7) national members and eight (08) District Branches across five (5) Provinces of Zambia. Additionally, ZLA has been operating five project offices located in three different provinces.



Displaying 11 - 12 of 12

MSB Somalia Programme


MSB's Somalia programme for the period October 2014-September 2015 has three components: 1) Secondment of an Aid Coordinator to Somalia's Ministry of Finance; 2) Secondment of three experts to UNMAS; and 3) Secondment of a Humanitarian Aid Coordinator to the Informal Humanitarian Donor Group. The intervention has been requested by the embassy and the programme has been developed with a terms of reference from the embassy as a basis. Initially there was another component, regarding temporary offices to the Ministry of Health, included in the programme. Since it was recently discovered that there was uncertainties regarding the land ownership of the suggested construction site together with IDPs living there and comments by the embassy's Quality Assurance Committee regarding sustainability and ownership, it was decided that this component should not be implemented for the time being. The dialogue with the Ministry of Health continues and support might be provided through another implementing partner. This change implies that the risk profile of the programme is significantly reduced.


The programme had three overall objectives:1) UNMAS: To enhance FGS capacity to mitigate explosive threats and improve weapons, ammunition and explosive management capacity. 2) Ministry of Finance: To increase MoF institutional capacity, functionality and efficiency to better serve as a coordinator and recipient of donor and tax revenues to the benefit and needs of the Somali people, with a particular focus on women and girls. 3) Humanitarian Aid Coordinator: To improve the quality and effectiveness of humanitarian action in Somalia in its capacity of benefit and needs of the Somali people, with a particular focus on women and girls.