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Données Données statistiques (indicateurs)

Données statistiques (indicateurs)

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Displaying 65 - 80 of 712 statistical indicators

Average size of parcels (ha)

The indicator measures the average size of parcels per holding (in hectares) in Lao. The data comes from the Lao Census of Agriculture 1998/99 and 2010/11. The Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11 was the second agricultural census undertaken in the Lao PDR.

Measurement unit:

Hectares (ha)

Boundary demarcation of communal land

Boundary demarcation of communal land measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Cadastral/registry info up-to-date

Cadastral/registry info up-to-date measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Capital investment in the system to record rights

Capital investment in the system to record rights measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Cases with resettlement are circumscribed and well implemented

Cases with resettlement are circumscribed and well implemented measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Changes to the assigned land use done in a timely manner

Changes to the assigned land use done in a timely manner measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Child Mortality

The mortality rate of children younger than the age of five (partially reflecting the fatal synergy of inadequate dietary intake and unhealthy environments). This indicator is also used to calculate the Global Hunger Index (GHI).

Measurement unit:

Percentage (%)

Child Stunting

The proportion of children under the age of five who suffer from stunting (that is, low height for their age, reflecting chronic undernutrition).

Measurement unit:

Percentage (%)

Child Wasting

The proportion of children under the age of five who suffer from wasting (that is, low weight for their height, reflecting acute undernutrition)

Measurement unit:

Percentage (%)

Children in employment, female (% of female children ages 7-14)

Children in employment refer to the share (%) of children involved in economic activity for at least one hour in the reference week of the survey.

Measurement unit:

Percentage (%)

Children in employment, male (% of male children ages 7-14)

Children in employment refer to children involved in economic activity for at least one hour in the reference week of the survey.

Measurement unit:

Percentage (%)

Clear identification & assignment of use for (i) forests (ii) common lands

Clear identification & assignment of use for (i) forests (ii) common lands measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Clear land policy developed in a participatory manner

Clear land policy developed in a participatory manner measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Clear Legal Definition of Public Purpose

This indicator asks whether national laws adopt VGGT principle 16.1 which establishes that "States should clearly define the concept of public purpose in law, in order to allow for judicial review." Answering the question posed by the indicator entailed reviewing a broad range of legally binding

Measurement unit:

Index (A; C)

Clear process for formal recognition of possession

Clear process for formal recognition of possession measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Clear process of property valuation

Clear process of property valuation measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)