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Date: 16 juin 2017 Source: CIRAD Un article publié dans The Conversation décrypte le cheminement et l’érosion progressive d'une information cruciale concernant les relations entre déforestation et plantations de palmier à huile. Il montre notamment que, contrairement à ce qui a été repris dans…
By Mike Powell, Development Information Specialist, facilitator of monitoring and evaluative processes with the Land Portal and volunteer member of its Technical Advisory Group​ The Context: Conflicts over land have shaped human history.  Policies as to its desired use are shaped by ever-changing…
  By Yuta Masuda and Brian E. Robinson I’m sitting in a Mongolian yurt, listening to and trying to emulate Bataa’s* songs about love for the grasslands and the wide, treeless plains of the Mongolian Plateau. Our host sings with consuming passion. I might have brushed his enthusiasm off as a…
By Liz Alden Wily and Fabrice Dubertret, Members of the LandMark Operations Team. Do community-held lands thrive today in Europe? If so, what can communities in Asia, Africa and Latin America learn from their long experiences? This was the topic of a Practitioner Lab hosted by LandMark : the…
By Jamal Browne   Since the adoption of the global indicator framework by the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) back in March 2016, significant progress has been made on a set of tenure-related indicators – familiarly referred to as the ‘land indicators’ – primarily through the efforts of the…
By Luca Chinotti, Global Policy Advisor, International Land Coalition (ILC)   Without People-Centred Land Governance, governments will not be able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In fact, if we fail to secure and protect land rights, for those who live on and from the land…
By Elisa Mandelli and Andrea Wyers, with contributions from Everlyne Nairesiae (GLII-GLTN)   From 8 to 9 July Elisa Mandelli, representing IFAD, was in New York to participate in the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on Securing Women's Land Rights in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (…
Texto: Patricia Dopazo GallegoFotografía de apertura: Álvaro Hurtado   El asesinato de la líder campesina e indígena hondureña Berta Cáceres no es un caso aislado. Miles de mujeres luchan a diario por los derechos de la tierra y de quienes viven de ella.   En marzo del año pasado el…
Por Gustavo Duch   Crónica desde la VII Conferencia Internacional de La Vía Campesina – y 3 Ayer fue mi último día en la VII Conferencia Internacional de La Vía Campesina y llegué unos minutos tarde al salón de actos. Al entrar me pareció que se había transformado, ya no era una sala con 800…
By Dr. Jamal Browne The successes of the Global Land Indicators Initiative (GLII) to date are worth celebrating. Today, we recognize the efforts of partners from every corner of the world, who through their perpetual optimism, have brought us many steps closer to making data collection and…
Date: 7 septembre 2017 Source: AGTER Par: Jacques Loyat Ce livre appelle à une révolution qui est à construire, celle de la gestion d’un commun, l’écosphère. Robert Levesque plante le décor pour une nouvelle ère, l’Ecolocène, qui sera « la prochaine ère géologique où l’humanité vivra en…
By Kaitlin Cordes and Jesse Coleman, CCSI Large-scale agricultural investments raise a number of challenges: negative environmental and social impacts, often borne primarily by local communities and land users, as well as operational and reputational risks, which have pained many an investor.…