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Countries Global related Blog post


Displaying 1189 - 1200 of 1631
10 Avril 2021
Por Neo Mondo   As florestas tropicais mantêm o clima global e nutrem as riquezas da natureza. As demandas do mundo “rico” estão destruindo-os   Os grandes ecossistemas do mundo – moderadores do clima, berçários da evolução – continuam sendo destruídos a serviço do comércio global, para…
7 Avril 2021
Mr. Timothy Fella
For over a decade, data advocates have reserved one day out of the year to celebrate open data.  Now, more than ever, the world has turned to open data to support in addressing the complex and unprecedented challenges of our times.  The ongoing global pandemic, systemic racism and global poverty,…
31 Mars 2021
Dr. Elizabeth Daley
The theme for International Women’s Day this year was 'Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a COVID-19 World’.  It celebrated and highlighted the remarkable efforts made by women and girls around the globe to shape a more equitable future in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.…
31 Mars 2021
Dr. Elizabeth Daley
For over a decade, data advocates have reserved one day out of the year to celebrate open data. Now, more than ever, the world has turned to open data to support in addressing the complex and unprecedented challenges of our times. The ongoing global pandemic, systemic racism, sexual violence,…
31 Mars 2021
Dr. Ritu Verma
The theme for International Women’s Day this year was 'Women in Leadership: Achieving an Equal Future in a COVID-19 World’.  It celebrated and highlighted the remarkable efforts made by women and girls around the globe to shape a more equitable future in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.…
30 Mars 2021
Dr. Elizabeth Daley, J. Batsaikhan, Lkhamdulam Natsagdorj
  Pilot study supports national roll-out of participatory land use planning   Sound, sustainable land management is critical to the long-term viability of Mongolia’s traditional herding way of life. And careful planning at local level, in a participatory and gender-inclusive way, is needed to…
30 Mars 2021
Mr. Tim Hanstad
No mês passado, um ex-ministro do governo do Zimbábue foi preso por venda ilegal de terrenos públicos. Alguns dias depois, um tribunal da Malásia condenou por corrupção o ex-presidente de uma agência de desenvolvimento agrário de terras públicas. E, em janeiro, o governo da Estônia desmoronou em…
30 Mars 2021
In countries where accurate, accessible land records are not maintained, it is the marginalized and vulnerable who are the worst affected by corruption and covert land grabs. But the ongoing revolution in information and communications technology provides unprecedented opportunities to digitize…
25 Mars 2021
Peter Veit
Countries are largely missing out on a key strategy to fight climate change. While mounting evidence showcases the emissions-reduction benefits of well-managed indigenous and community lands, few countries actually set targets to protect these lands in their initial national climate plans in 2015…
9 Mars 2021
Cheryl Doss, Joseph Feyertag, Ruth Meinzen-Dick
On the International Women’s Day – and every day – we must call out gender bias wherever we see it. The trouble is, when it comes to land and property rights, much is hidden behind closed doors. But now, a new survey is giving voice to women around the world, letting them share their perceptions of…
9 Mars 2021
Delfina Grinspan
In the aftermath of the 6.5 magnitude earthquake in Aceh, Indonesia, in 2016, disaster managers were able to able to identify which communities were at greatest risk due to rapid access to data. They used the open source InaSAFE platform to access real-time hazard data and modeled population data…
8 Mars 2021
Tatiane Matheus
O planeta Terra vive uma emergência climática e a necessidade de soluções e ações se tornou ainda mais urgente com a crise mundial ocasionada pela pandemia da COVID-19. Um novo pacto social, político e econômico verde precisa ser debatido e muitas coisas precisam ser colocadas em prática para não…