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Countries Kenya related News


Displaying 109 - 120 of 224
26 Septembre 2019
Iniciativa visa ajudar a fauna e a população local do Quênia   Na iniciativa ambiental mais recente da Apple, a companhia se juntará, mais uma vez, à Conservation International para ajudar a restaurar e preservar pastagens e florestas no Quênia (África), como divulgado pela Fast Company…
24 Septembre 2019
New technologies used to map areas in developing nations for granting titles and aiding development could be misused to further marginalize vulnerable people, analysts and land experts warned on Friday. From Kenya to the Philippines, authorities are using satellite imagery, drones, GPS navigation…
5 Septembre 2019
Human rights groups say about 60,000 settlers are being targeted, in the latest effort to halt the destruction of what is referred to as Kenya's key water tower NAIROBI - Thousands of people are being removed from Kenya's largest forest, a senior official said on Thursday, in a controversial move…
30 Juillet 2019
Indigenous communities in Kenya made history last week by marching to the nation’s capital to demand official registration for their communal lands Indigenous, pastoralist communities in Kenya made history last week by marching to the nation’s capital to demand official registration for their…
2 Juillet 2019
Second Call for Panels, Papers and Posters Joint XXIV International Grassland Congress and XI International Rangeland Congress Deadline:  01/10/2019 The Joint XXIV IGC and XI IRC congress will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, October 25 – 30, 2020.  The theme of the Congress is “Sustainable Use of…
25 Juin 2019
Some see the ruling as a positive step toward equal access to land but others fear it undermines the traditional laws that have guided generations KAPCHEBOI, Kenya, June 25 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A few months ago, the idea of coming home with a hoe in one hand and a sack of freshly…
1 Mai 2019
Kenya is experiencing changes in its weather patterns. This includes changes in temperatures and wind and rainfall patterns – particularly shifts in the timing and length of rainy seasons. This has led to more droughts and floods. These changes have increased the vulnerability of pastoralists…
16 Avril 2019
Date: 16 avril 2019 Source: Agence Ecofin Par: Espoir Olodo (Agence Ecofin) - Au Kenya, la sécheresse prolongée perturbe les activités au niveau de la filière thé. En effet, rapporte Bloomberg, l'Association des planteurs de thé (KTGA) travaille désormais 3 jours sur 6 prévus normalement en raison…
15 Avril 2019
For over 40 years, she fought in vain to be allocated just one out 42 acres of the family land which she wanted to till and feed her children. She was not only denied the small piece of land and barred from practicing any form of farming but also faced an eviction from the property at the…
9 Avril 2019
Despite a legal ruling and international attention, Kenya's Ogiek people have continued to face evictions, underlining the inherent difficulties in implementing judgments The continued dominance of colonial-imposed laws over pre-existing customary legal systems, has been the bane of land rights…
28 Mars 2019
Date: 27 mars 2019 Source: Agence Ecofin Par: Espoir Olodo (Agence Ecofin) - Au Kenya, les petites exploitations de production de café bénéficieront d’un fonds renouvelable d’une valeur de 3 milliards de shillings (30 millions $). C’est ce qu’a annoncé le président kenyan, Uhuru Kenyatta, en marge…
8 Mars 2019
  These are dark days if you care about justice. New estimates reveal that over 5 billion people live outside the protection of the law. These are people who can be driven from their land, intimidated by violence, and excluded from society. Against the backdrop of this staggering figure, community…