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Countries Myanmar related News


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22 Avril 2023
People gather to harvest the rich green fields along the road from Taunggyi to Hsi Hseng. None of them, however, are wearing the usual indigo tunics and multi-colour turbans of Pa-O people, who predominate in this area of southern Shan State. “They are soldiers and their families from military…
7 Juillet 2022
Main photo: The Chinese fence inside Myanmar’s territory in October 2021. / NamKhamnews China has cut off electricity to a border village in northern Shan State for nearly nine months due to boundary disputes, according to residents.  Nawng Kham village in Namkham Township is to the north of the…
1 Juillet 2022
LANDac International Conference 2022 Session Summary Taking notice of the 10th anniversary of the CFS Tenure Guidelines (TGs) this year, contributors to the session debated in light of case studies in Colombia, Myanmar and the Sámi territory in Finland the intricacies of land tenure policies, as…
23 Mai 2022
Pristine parts of northern Kachin State are under threat as demand grows for high-tech devices that rely on rare earth. Main photo: The leaching ponds at a rare earth mining site in Kachin State, where toxic chemicals are applied to dissolve the metals. (PHOTO: Maran) Kachin State’s Chipwi…
1 Juin 2021
On 26-27 May this year, the 3rd Mekong Land Forum will be held online. Mekong Regional Land Governance (MRLG) is hosting the Forum, for which Land Portal is providing technical support. The Forum will provide in-depth discussion and debate into land tenure security and community resource…
17 Février 2021
MRLG is hiring a Communications and Event Management for Specialist for the Mekong Region Land Forum 2021. MRLG and its partners successfully organized two Regional Land Forums, first in Hanoi in 2016 and then Bangkok in 2018. The second Regional Land Forum, co-organized with the Food and…
3 Décembre 2020
Seeking quick returns, Chinese investors are driving a scramble for plantation land in parts of northern Myanmar. Northern Myanmar’s Kachin State is in the midst of a boom in commercial banana cultivation driven by cross-border investment from China, according to a new report. The report from…
30 Septembre 2020
Main photo: A farm near Yan Gone village, in Lahe Township, Sagaing Region, is seen ready for planting on February 7. In majority ethnic areas across the country, land grabs by powerful interests threaten such customary use. (AFP)Land reform is the perfect election pledge for the National League…
27 Septembre 2020
One of the ugliest features of the modern world is the exploitation of natural resources for private gain irrespective of its consequences for the environment and the larger community, especially the poor majority. Humanity has started consuming the world's natural resources faster than they can be…
10 Septembre 2020
Conflict over how best to protect the biodiversity of Myanmar’s Tanintharyi region may be contributing to the rapid loss of its forest cover. Habitats of globally threatened species, including the critically endangered Gurney’s pitta and recently discovered geckos, face destruction due to logging…
7 Juillet 2020
The Yunnan-based company has been criticised as secretive as some question whether it is equipped to run such a project Main photo: The entrance to Namjin village seen on March 6 (Photo- Chan Thar/ Myanmar Now) One day in late 2018, residents of Namjin, Kachin state, noticed drones fixed with…
22 Juin 2020
Like different land management systems across the world, land management systems varied in different territories.  When we say “from the authoritative land management system to the federal land governance system,” the origin of land governance in Myanmar was not actually derived from the…