Número no temático
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
This regional study presents an overview of the socio-economic importance and ecological impact of the use of non-wood forest products (NWFP) in Africa. The document consists of two main parts: i) presentation of background information on the programme activities and analysis of the available information on the regional and sub-regional level (both in English and in French); and ii) presentation of data on NWFP on the national level (so-called “country profiles”, available in either English or French).
Le prsent numro d'Unasylva examine en dtail le rapport entre la foresterie et la scurit alimentaire et se pose la question suivante: Que peut-on faire pour que les programmes et activits de dveloppement forestier contribuent dans la mesure du possible assurer l'accs conomique et physique aux produits alimentaires pour tous et en tout temps? Dans l'article de fond, M.
This paper introduces a Special Issue of Forest Ecology and Management that includes a collection of analytical results from the 2015 Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA 2015) covering 25 years of forest change (1990–2015). FRA 2015 builds on a series of global assessments that began in 1948 and covers change in forest area and type, volume, biomass and carbon stocking, measures of sustainable forest management, biodiversity and conservation, soil and water protective functions, wood production and a number of socio-economic variables.
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Une dclaration du Directeur gnral de la FAO et du Roi du Npal, un aperu de certains aspects des montagnes et des activits apparentes entreprises dans des pays comme la Bolivie, l'Italie, le Kirghizistan et le Prou, et des informations sur les forts montagnardes, les forts tropicales de brouillard et les montagnes sacres compltent cette incursion d'Unasylva dans les montagnes.
Meeting Name: Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2014/4
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
This study deals with the challenge of adjusting inconsistencies in the historical data series over time for the main forest resources parameters based on the UNECE/FAO Forest Resources Assessments (FRA) source data. It describes the methods used to improve the quality of long-term series based on national inventory data and assesses trends for a number of European countries. It attempts to identify driving forces behind major long-term changes in key forest resource parameters.
Esta publicación presenta un método para recopilar datos confiables acerca de las funciones protectoras del bosque del suelo y el agua. Este método – de transecto lineal de la cubierta forestal y de evaluación de la erosión – registra datos sobre el dosel del bosque, la cubierta del suelo y la evidencia de erosión. El método fue diseñado a través de un estudio de la FAO para identificar el método de mayor validez científica y menor costo para la recopilación de datos en los países en desarrollo.
Meeting Name: African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:AFWC/2016/10
Session: Sess. 20
Meeting symbol/code: COFO 2001 6-Supp.1