Document national de prospective - Maroc
This country report focusses on the factors influencing the development of forestry in the country and goes on to outline likely future scenarios based on current trends and problems.
This country report focusses on the factors influencing the development of forestry in the country and goes on to outline likely future scenarios based on current trends and problems.
An overview of available data for NWFPs in Cameroon. Trends in consumption, sale and export of the most important products are analysed and problems with existing methods of data collection are discussed.
This user instruction guide provides detailed description of the Emissions Overview On-line Tool, which is part of the AFOLU Emissions Analysis Tools aimed at supporting Member Countries in improving their national capacity to address UNFCCC reporting requirements and to design climate policy actions (i.e. GHG Inventories, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions – NAMAs – and Nationally Determined Contributions – NDCs) for the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector.
La présente publication «Situation des ressources génétiques forestières de la Mauritanie» est issue d’un rapport national présenté à l’Atelier sous-régional FAO/IPGRI/CIRAF sur la conservation, la gestion, l’utilisation durable et la mise en valeur des ressources génétiques forestières de la zone sahélienne (Ouagadougou, 22-24 sept. 1998).
The natural forests used to be the only source of commercial timber in tropical timber producing countries. In the past several years however, governments have begun implementing strict conservation policies, which have curtailed the harvest levels from this fast depleting resource base. To meet their respective wood requirements and at the same time revegetate denuded areas, most tropical countries have started to embark in tree plantation programs.
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Meeting Name: Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2014/6.2
This issue of Unasylva looks at various aspects of the overall financing situation in forestry and highlights areas where additional progress could and should be made. The issue draws heavily on material prepared for the June 1996 Workshop on Financial Mechanisms and Sources of Finance for Sustainable Forestry, held in Pretoria, South Africa.
A very short report where the author makes comments on the data available in Lesotho on National Energy and Woodfuels. It includes some general observations on rural fuelwood use in the country followed by a brief conclusion.
An international review of forestry and forest products
Most issues of Unasylva focus on a specific theme. The objective of this thematic orientation is to examine in depth a given aspect of forest and forestry development in order to highlight its significance and importance within our wider universe. The aim is not to serve as a primer or textbook on the chosen subject (this clearly would he impossible given the limited size of the journal) but rather to present a series of analyses on specific aspects that help to spark interest and awareness.
An international journal of forestry and forest industries