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There are 4, 118 content items of different types and languages related to gestion des ressources naturelles on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2389 - 2400 of 2586

Fish to 2050 in the ASEAN Region

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2017
Asia du sud-est

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has emerged as a global fish producer, owing to the rapid growth of aquaculture in Southeast Asia and its large offshore fishing fleet. Fish is a regional commodity that is traded globally, and this region is at the frontline of the global trend toward meeting seafood demand by 2050. Fisheries and aquaculture are increasingly becoming a primary source of protein and micronutrients, foreign exchange, livelihoods and well-being for the population in the region.

Development pathways and land management in Uganda

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2004
Afrique orientale
Afrique sub-saharienne

This paper investigates the patterns and determinants of change in income strategies ("development pathways"), land management, resource and human welfare conditions in Uganda since 1990, based upon a community-level survey conducted in 107 villages. Six dominant development pathways were found, all but one of which involved increasing specialization in already dominant activities. Of these, expansion of banana and coffee production was most associated with adoption of resource-conserving practices and improvements in resource conditions and welfare.

2013 Welthunger-Index : Herausforderung Hunger : Widerstandsfähigkeit stärken Ernährung sichern

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2013
Afrique septentrionale
Afrique orientale
Asie orientale
Asie méridionale
Europe orientale
Afrique australe
Afrique sub-saharienne

Der Bericht zum Welthunger-Index 2013 – der achte in einer jährlich erscheinenden Serie – stellt die Entwicklung des weltweiten, regionalen und nationalen Hungers mittels eines mehrdimensionalen Indexwertes dar. Er zeigt, dass die Weltgemeinschaft bei der Bekämpfung des Hungers seit 1990 gewisse Fortschritte gemacht hat, dass aber noch viel zu tun ist.

2013 Global hunger index : The challenge of hunger : Building resilience to achieve food and nutrition security

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2013
Afrique septentrionale
Afrique orientale
Asie orientale
Asie méridionale
Europe orientale
Afrique australe
Afrique sub-saharienne

The 2013 Global Hunger Index (GHI) report-the eighth in an annual series- presents a multidimensional measure of national, regional, and global hunger. It shows that the world has made some progress in reducing hunger since 1990, but still has far to go. The 2013 GHI report focuses on resilience in theory and in practice. The relief and development communities have long struggled to understand why some people fare better than others when confronting stresses or shocks.

The impact of agroforestry-based soil fertility replenishment practices on the poor in Western Kenya

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2005
Afrique orientale
Afrique sub-saharienne

Western Kenya is one of the most densely populated areas in Africa. Farming there is characterized by low inputs and low crop productivity. Poverty is rampant in the region. Yet the potential for agriculture is considered good. In the study described here, researchers looked specifially at soil fertility replenishment (SFR) systems...Focused on two specific systems -- the tree-based "improved fallow" system and the biomass transfer system -- the study compared rates of adoption in poor and nonpoor communities and evaluated the extent to which their adoption reduced poverty.

The impact of agroforestry-based soil fertility replenishment practices on the poor in Western Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2005
Afrique orientale
Afrique sub-saharienne

Western Kenya is one of the most densely populated areas in Africa. Farming there is characterized by low inputs and low crop productivity. Poverty is rampant in the region. Yet the potential for agriculture is considered good.

Balancing agricultural development and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2002
Amérique du Sud

Since the 1970s, federal policies promoting migration and encouraging agricultural development of large farms, logging, and ranching have led to the deforestation of vast areas of the Amazon rainforest.Though these policies have largely been replaced, deforestation continues. What effects do current macroeconomic and regional policies and events have on deforestation and on the well-being of settlers on the agricultural frontier?

Land, trees, and women

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2001
Afrique occidentale
Afrique sub-saharienne
Asia du sud-est

This research report examines three questions that are central to IFPRI research: How do property-rights institutions affect efficiency and equity? How are resources allocated within households? Why does this matter from a policy perspective? As part of a larger multicountry study on property rights to land and trees, this study focuses on the evolution from customary land tenure with communal ownership toward individualized rights, and how this shift affects women and men differently.This study’s key contribution is its multilevel econometric analysis of efficiency and equity issues.

Changes in intrahousehold labor allocation to environmental goods collection

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2000
Asie méridionale

This study explores the impact of changes in environmental conditions on intrahousehold labor allocation to the collection of environmental goods such as fuelwood and leaf fodder for a sample of rural Nepali households. Using household-level panel data collected in 1982 and 1997, the study finds that household collection time significantly increases with measures of environmental resource scarcity, and that the increase appears to come almost equally from men and women.