الري الموضعي - دليل الفلاح
أولت السلطات العمومية أهمية بالغة لتوسيع رقعة المساحات المجهزة بتقنيات الري الموضعي عبر سياسة إرادية ترجمها مخطط المغرب الأخضر في البرنامج الوطني للاقتصاد في ماء الري الذي يرمي إلى تحويل ما يناهز 550 ألف هكتار من الأراضي المسقية إلى الري الموضعي في أفق .2020 ويأتي هذا الدليل الموجه أساسا إلى الفلاح للرفع من مستواه التقني في مجال استعمال المياه في الري عبر توجيهه نحو أحسن التقنيات وكذا تنبيهه حتى يتفادى بعض الأخطاء الشائعة في تصميم واستخدام وتدبير وصيانة نظام الري الموضعي.
AQUASTAT: contando cada gota
Agricultura mundial: hacia los años 2015/2030. Informe resumido
El presente informe es una versión reducida de “World agriculture: towards 2015/2030”, la última evaluación realizada por la FAO de las perspectivas a largo plazo del abastecimiento de alimentos, la nutrición y la agricultura. En él se resumen las proyecciones, se resaltan los mensajes y se presentan para el público en general. Las proyecciones abarcan la oferta y la demanda de los principales productos agropecuarios y los sectores agrícola, forestal y pesquero.
World Agriculture: Towards 2015/2030. Summary Report
This report is a shorter version of World agriculture: towards 2015/2030, FAO's latest assessment of the long-term outlook for the world's food supplies, nutrition and agriculture. It summarizes the projections, distills the messages and presents them for the generalist. The projections cover supply and demand for the major agricultural commodities and sectors, including fisheries and forestry. This analysis forms the basis for a more detailed examination of other factors, such as nutrition and undernourishment, and the implications for international trade.
IPTRID Inventory on capacity development opportunities for improved irrigated agriculture
The IPTRID programme is a multi-donor trust fund managed by the IPTRID Secretariat as a Special Programme of FAO. The Secretariat is located in the Land and Water Development Division of FAO and draws on a worldwide network of leading centres of excellence in the field of irrigation, drainage and water resources management. IPTRID aims to support capacity development for sustainable agricultural water management to reduce poverty, enhance food security and improve livelihoods, while conserving the environment.
Mapping Systems and Services for Multiple Uses in Bac Hung Hai Irrigation and Drainage Scheme, Viet Nam
This report presents the results of the expert consultation and the testing of the MASSMUS module of MASSCOTE methodology in Bac Hung Hai irrigation scheme in Viet Nam. The MASSMUS module was applied in two administrative districts in the BHH: Luong Tai district, and Kim Dong district.
Investment in land and water
A report of the proceedings of the October 2001 regional consultation on the above theme, the document explains the urgent need for arresting and reversing the decline in investment in land and water development in Asia-Pacific countries. Land and water investment priorities include coping with worsening land degradation, increasing productivity of the region’s large rainfed areas and modernising wasteful water delivery and irrigation systems.
Boosting Africa’s Soils
This booklet presents an overview of the issue of soil management practices in Africa. It briefly presents the 12-Resolution “Abuja Declaration on Fertilizer for the African Green Revolution” adopted in 2006 and contextualizes the 2014 adoption by the 23rd Summit of the African Union of the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods that reaffirmed that agriculture should remain high on the development agenda of the continent.
AQUA STAT: counting every drop
Small Dams and Weirs in Earth and Gabion Materials
This publication is a set of practical guidelines and norms for field project engineers for the design and building of small hydraulic structures using earth and gabions. This publication would be useful in designing small earth dams with a gabion spillway, intake weirs for gravity irrigation schemes, groynes, river bed training works and for protection against hydraulic erosion.