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Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica

AGRICULTURA TROPICA ET SUBTROPICA (ATS) is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal published under the authorization of Mendel University in Brno  (MENDELU) and managed by the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies,

- an independent, educational, research and scientific academic body of MENDELU.

Agricultural Institute of Canada logo


On June 2, 1920, the Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturists was formally launched. The idea of an organization dedicated to the professional aspects of Canadian agriculture caught on and branches quickly formed across the country.

Agricultural Systems

Agricultural Systems is an international journal that deals with interactions - among the components of agricultural systems, among hierarchical levels of agricultural systems, between agricultural and other land use systems, and between agricultural systems and their natural, social and economic environments. Manuscripts submitted to Agricultural Systems generally should include both of the following:

A Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (ANA) é um espaço de articulação e convergência entre movimentos, redes e organizações da sociedade civil brasileira engajadas em experiências concretas de promoção da agroecologia, de fortalecimento da produção familiar e de construção de alternativas sustentáveis de desenvolvimento rural. Atualmente a ANA articula vinte e três redes estaduais e regionais, que reúnem centenas de grupos, associações e organizações não governamentais em todo o país, além de quinze movimentos sociais de abrangência nacional.


La Alianza Biodiversidad es una plataforma colectiva latinoamericana que reúne a 13 organizaciones y movimientos clave de la región que trabajan en defensa de la biodiversidad.

Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science

From the beginning of 1995 the Agricultural Academy in Bulgaria is publishing Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science (BJAS)® - the first agricultural scientific journal in Bulgaria for fundamental and applied researches, published entirely in English language, and one of the few such journals in Central Europe.

The Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP), founded in 2004, is a non-profit organisation. BFAP exists with the distinct purpose to objectively inform and support decision-making by stakeholders in the agro-food, fibre and beverage sectors of Africa. It provides independent, rigorously tested, research-based market and policy analyses.

Canadian Agricultural Economics Society logo

Who We Are

The Canadian Agricultural Economics Society (CAES) is an association comprised of individuals with a professional interest in topics related to the economics of agriculture, food, natural resources, and the environment. CAES members include economists and other social science professionals in universities, government, non-government agencies and the private sector, and undergraduate and graduate students. CAES members include Canadians and others, in Canada and elsewhere.




SLE has provided hands-on vocational education and training for future experts and managers in the field of international development cooperation for the last fifty years. They offer postgraduate studies, training courses for international experts, and practice-oriented development research and consultancy to organizations and universities active in this field.

Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia logo


Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia is the umbrella interest organization of natural and legal persons in the Republic of Slovenia engaged in agriculture, forestry and fishery. Its central task is to protect and represent their interests, to consult them and accelerate economical and environment friendly activities.

Emerald Publishing

China Agricultural Economic review publishes quality research in the economics of agriculture, rural development, natural resources and the environment, providing an in-depth analysis of Chinese agricultural reform and practice.

At its inception, the Central Cocoa Research Station was assigned clear goals within the Gold Coast Department of Agriculture, to investigate the pest and disease problems of cocoa in order to maintain production in the Eastern Province and elsewhere in the Gold Coast. In 1944 when the Research Station was up-graded to WACRI, the objectives were widened to include investigations into the disease and pest problems of cocoa in West Africa, soil fertility and good agricultural practices, with the view to increasing yield and farmers' income.

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Organisation, utilisation et conservation de sols consacrés aux cultures.

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