communaux related Blog post | Land Portal
Il y a 157 éléments de contenu liés à communaux sur le Land Portal.


Communal ownership is a commonly used term to describe those situations where rights to use resources are held by a community.

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27 février 2019
Afrique septentrionale

Date: 7 février 2019


Par: Mohamed Ali Mrabi 

En s’adressant aux parlementaires lors de l’ouverture de la session d’octobre, le Roi a mis l’accent sur le rôle décisif que pourraient jouer les terres collectives dans le développement économique et social du monde rural.

We cannot wait indefinitely – interim options for land reform
18 juin 2018
Sobantu Mzwakali
Afrique du Sud

The failure to secure the property rights of rural communities shows a clear policy gap between citizens and rights to land as per the Constitution and the attitude and practices of the state, traditional leaders, white farmers and mining companies in relation to such rights. 

Photo by: Antonio Fiorente
17 avril 2018
Dr. Solomon Bekure Woldegiorgis

For hundreds of years, pastoralists in Ethiopia’s lowlands have relied on strong customary land tenure systems to survive. Historically, legislation has failed to clearly define communal rights to rangelands, and the specific roles and responsibilities for both communities and local government to administer and manage these resources. This legislative deficiency prevented pastoral communities from fully exercising their constitutional rights to land (Ethiopia’s Constitution broadly recognizes pastoral communities’ right to access land and prevents their involuntary displacement).



Established in 1991, AAKAR Books is a publishing company, started publishing quality scholarly books in Social Sciences in English and Hindi since 2001 and is now a niche for itself. Aakar Books is reputed for quality scholarly publishing in the field of Social Sciences.

International Association for the Study of the Commons

The IASC is the leading professional association dedicated to the commons. The association, founded in 1989, is devoted to bringing together multi-disciplinary researchers, practitioners, and policymakers for the purpose of improving governance and management, advancing understanding, and creating sustainable solutions for commons, common-pool resources, or any other form of shared resource.

The IASC aims to:


The IISTE is an IT firm delivering IT supports to education professionals and research institute around world. 

Mission statement of IISTE

“Accelerating Global Knowledge Creation and Sharing”.

To achieve our Goal, we are campaigning for an unprecedented mobilization of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, governments, intergovernmental organizations, corporate and other private sector actors, civil society, social movements, and citizens from all over the world. To realise the change we want, we ask that by 2020…


Excellent administration and management of land for sustainable development



To implement an efficient land administration and management system in order to ensure equity in access to land



  • Efficiency
  • Transparency and Accountability

Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER )

HEKS champions the cause of a more humane and just world and a life in dignity. Internationally, HEKS/EPER focuses on rural community development, humanitarian aid and inter-church cooperation. 

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