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Issuesloi foncièreLandLibrary Resource
There are 3, 871 content items of different types and languages related to loi foncière on the Land Portal.

loi foncière


Displaying 229 - 240 of 2463

Planning Act.


This Act, consisting of 206 sections divided into 14 Parts, provides for the appropriate and orderly planning and for the control of the use and development of land. Under the Act, a Northern Territory Planning Scheme has to be elaborated and implemented and the Act contains provisions on the application for and granting of permits and authorizations related to land development. The Act establishes the Development Consent Authority and regulates its composition and operation and provides for the solution of disputes that might arise from the implementation of the Act.

Loi d'orientation agro-sylvo-pastorale.

Afrique occidentale

La politique de développement agro-sylvo-pastoral est marquée par le retrait progressif de l’Etat et est conforme aux principes de recentrage de ses missions sur des fonctions régaliennes, de poursuite de la politique de décentralisation, d’amélioration du cadre et des conditions de vie en milieu rural, ainsi que de création d’un environnement propice aux investissements privés en milieu rural. La réduction de la pauvreté est la principale priorité de la politique de l’Etat, en particulier dans les zones rurales.

Registered Land Act (No. 17 of 1975).


The Act makes provision for the registration of titles in land, effect of registration, protection of persons dealing in registered land, disposition of land or a title in land in general, acquisition of land or transfer of rights in land under certain titles such as prescription and easement, and related matters.The Act consists of 161 sections divided into 12 Parts: Preliminary (I); Organization and administration (II); Effect of registration (III); Certificate and searches (IV); Dispositions (V); Instruments and agents (VI); Transmissions and trusts (VII); Restraints on dispositions (VII

Law No. 858-IV on land use planning.

Europe orientale

The present Law establishes legal and organizational bases of the activity in the sphere of land survey and is aimed at the regulation of the relations originating between state executive bodies and local self-government, legal and natural persons for the purpose of ensuring stable development of stable land use. The Law consists of 9 Sections that contain 70 articles. Section 1 (arts. 1-7) lays down general provisions. Section 2 (arts. 8-19) establishes plenary powers of state executive bodies and local self-government in the sphere of land use planning. Section 3 (arts.

Coastal Management Act 1995.


This Act concerns the management of coastal areas in the State of Victoria to protect and maintain areas of environmental significance on the coast and to maintain and improve coastal water quality. It provides for the establishment and operation of the Victorian Coastal Council and of Regional Coastal Boards. It also promotes a coordinated approach in the preparation and implementation of management plans for coastal Crown lands.

Law No. 5 of 1969 on towns and villages planning.

Afrique septentrionale

This Law consists of 11 Chapters divided into 74 articles: Plans (I); Preparation of plans and their approval (II); Official Maps (III); Use and classification of zones (IV); Public utilities (V); Land subdivision (VI); Buildings (VII); Re-planning of blighted and underdeveloped areas (VIII); General rules (IX); Sanctions (X); Provisions and final rules (XI).Terms and definitions are given in article 1. Every municipality shall have a plan to show how the towns and villages in the Municipality will grow and develop (art. 2). Plans shall be divided into Master plans and Lay-out plans (art.

Land Acquisition Act, 1966 (Act No. 41, Chapter 152).

Asia du sud-est

This Act consists of 7 Parts: Preliminary (I); Acquisition (II); Reference to an Appeals Board and procedure thereon (III); Apportionment of Compensation (IV); Payment (V); Temporary Occupation of Land (VI); Miscellaneous (VII).The Act provides a legal framework for the acquisition of private land by the government for the benefit of the public. Procedures and requirements for the acquisiton of land are set out in detail in the text. The Act further provides for the constitution of one or more Appeal Boards for the purpose of hearing appeals in respect of any award made by the Collector.

Lands Act (S.N.L. 1991, c. 36).

Amérique septentrionale

This Act concerns the management of various types of lands in Newfoundland and Labrador. Part I is dedicated to crown lands, Part II to abandoned lands, Part III covers the administration and control of public lands, Part IV provides for special management areas and Part V covers survey markers.

Loi concernant l’aménagement communal et le développement urbain.

Europe occidentale

La présente loi porte la réglementation relative à l’aménagement communal et au développement urbain. Ceux-ci ont pour objectifs d'assurer à la population de la commune des conditions de vie optimales par une mise en valeur harmonieuse et un développement durable de toutes les parties du territoire communal.

Urban and Rural Planning Act, 2000 (S.N.L. 2000, c. U-8).

Amérique septentrionale

This Act concerns the planning of the development and use of lands in the urban and rural areas. It contains provisions on regional planning (Part I), municipal planning (Part II), local, protected area and protected road plans (Part IV), development certificates (Part VII), expropriation (Part IX) and on enforcement (Part XI).

Implemented by: Development Regulations (N.L.R. 3/01). (2001-01-02)
Implemented by: Benton Development Control Regulations (C.N.L.R. 1083/96). (1996)