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Displaying 349 - 360 of 1333

Agreement between the Government of Belarus and the Government of Moldova on cooperation in the sphere of cadastre, land resources, geodesy and cartography.

International Conventions or Treaties
Europe orientale

The Contracting Parties shall cooperate in the following fields: (a) joint programmes in the sphere of cadastre, land resources, geodesy and cartography; (b) exchange of information; (c) exchange of maps; (d) exchange on experience related to land use planning, land survey and land cadastre; (e) joint symposia and conferences; (f) consulting (art. 2).

Decree No. 21 of the Forestry Committee on ecological and land reclamation monitoring of reclaimed forestland.

Europe orientale

The forest Regulation consists of 6 sections dealing with: (a) field of application (sect. 1); (b) table of symbols and abbreviations (sect. 2); (c) general provisions (sect. 3); (d) permanent establishment of hydrological forestaland reclamation areas (sect. 4); (e) carrying out ecological and land reclamation monitoring (sect. 5); (f) reporting of monitoring information (sect. 6). The present Regulation establishes the modalities of carrying out ecological and land reclamation monitoring of reclaimed forestland in the public forest.

Ordonnance nº 74-149 fixant le nombre et les limites des circonscriptions foncières de la République du Zaïre.

République démocratique du Congo
Afrique centrale

Le nombre et les limites des circonscriptions foncières de la République du Zaïre coïncident avec le nombre et les limites des régions. la ville de Kinshasa est érigée en circonscription foncière distincte.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 73-021 portant régime général des biens, régime foncier et immobilier et régime des sûretés. (1973-07-20)

Land Survey Act (Chapter 33:01).

Afrique australe

This Act provides rules for the survey of land in Botswana and makes provision for the appointment of the Director of Surveys and Lands, for the establishment of the Land Surveyors' Board and for the recognition of land surveyors and the control of their activities. The Act consists of 47 sections divided into 8 Parts.The Director of Surveys and Lands shall supervise and control the survey and charting of land for purposes of registration in the Deeds Registry and carry out other tasks imposed on him or her under this Act. The Land Surveyors' Board shall examine potential land surveyors.

Land Survey (Training in Practical Survey Work) Regulations (Chapter 33:01).

Afrique australe

These Regulations concern the practical training required for recognition and registration as a land surveyor under the Land Survey Act. The Regulations prescribe the nature and duration of training. Training shall be under the supervision of the Land Surveyors' Board established by the Act.

Implements: Land Survey Act (Chapter 33:01). (2008-12-31)

Land Survey Regulations (Chapter 33:01).

Afrique australe

These Regulations implement provisions of the Land Survey Act with respect to a variety of matters covered by the Act such as: the power of the Director of Surveys and Lands to test surveys; the actual field work of surveys; the drafting of diagrams; the drafting of general plans of survey and surveys of townships and villages; survey records and costs of survey.

Implements: Land Survey Act (Chapter 33:01). (2008-12-31)

Decree No. 4 of 1979 of the Act relative to survey, partition, and registration of real property (Land Partition Act) - Delegation of Authority.

Europe septentrionale

This Decree contains rules relative to various stages of and the procedures for the partition of land in accordance with the Land Partition Act. It also defines the duties of local authorities in this process. The stages are, among other things, survey and mapping, the establishment of borders of land, distribution of registration numbers and assignment of an official address.

Implements: Act No. 70 of 1978 relative to survey, partition, and registration of real property (Land Partition Act). (2008-03-14)

Regulation respecting the fees payable for the deposit of cadastral plans and the examination of plans not deposited (c. C-1, r.1).

Amérique septentrionale

The present Regulation lays down provisions relating to fees payable for the deposit of cadastral plans and the examination of plans not deposited. The text consists of 6 sections.

Implements: Cadastre Act (R.S.Q. c. C-1). (2014-10-01)

Ley Nº 28.920 - Modifica la Ley Nº 27.795, Ley de demarcación y organización territorial.

Amérique du Sud

La presente Ley prorroga hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2011 el plazo a que se refieren las disposiciones complementarias 1ª y 2ª de la Ley Nº 27.795, en materia de saneamiento de los límites territoriales de las circunscripciones existentes.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 27795 - Ley de demarcación y organización territorial. (2002-07-24)

Arrêté n° 085 Minagra du 15 juin 2000 fixant les modalités de réalisation et de présentation des plans des biens fonciers du domaine foncier rural coutumier.

Côte d'Ivoire
Afrique occidentale

Les plans établis en vue de la constitution des dossiers de délimitation des biens fonciers du Domaine Foncier Rural coutumier sont réalisés et présentés conformément aux dispositions du présent arrêté.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 98-750 relative au domaine foncier rural. (1998-12-23)
Met en oeuvre: Décret nº 99-594 fixant les modalités d'application au domaine foncier rural coutumier de la loi nº 98-750. (1999-10-13)