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Resolution of Council of Ministers No. 11/2002 approving the Coastal Zone Plan (POOC) of Alcobaça-Mafra.

Europe méridionale

This Resolution of Council of Ministers establishes the Coastal Zone Plan (POOC) of Alcobaça-Mafra. The Regulation is composed by 5 parts and 3 annexes specifying the requirements to be satisfied, such as: authorised activities, pollution control, urban land management and all the sectors involved with the coastal zone management.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)

Coast Protection Act, 1968 (Cap. 204).


This Act grants the power to the Minister responsible for ports and harbours to carry out construction of coast protection works as he/she deems urgently necessary and to apportion costs of such works on the owners of any land who benefit from such works. The owners will contribute in the degree that they benefit from the work. Various rules are provided for the apportionment of costs and the payment of compensation.

Project Law No. 7 of 1999 on the environment.

Novembre, 1999
Asie occidentale

This basic enactment of the Palestinian Legislative creates a framework for the protection of the environment, public health and biodiversity in Palestine including marine areas. Its 82 sections are divided into 5 Titles: Definitions and general provisions (I); Environmental protection (II); Environmental impact assessment, licensing, inspection and administrative procedure (III); Penalties (IV); Final provisions (V). Article 1 contains an extensive list of definitions, including "natural reserves" and "international waters". Objectives of this Law are set out in article 2.

Coastal Protection and Management Regulation 2003.


This Regulation implements the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995. It fixes coastal building lines, it sets fees and royalties as prescribe by the Act, and it specifies work that is prescribed tidal work. The Regulation is completed by 5 Schedules, respectively on local governments, fees for allocation and dredge management plans, royalties payable for the removal of quarry material, IDAS codes for development aplications for prescribed tidal work, and dictionary.

Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995.


The Act provides for the management and protection of the Queensland coastal zone, including its resources and biological diversity. It is divided into 6 Chapters (202 sections).Part 1 of Chapter 2 covers coastal management plans. A state coastal management plan must be prepared by the Minister, who will also prepare regional coastal management plans as soon as practicable. The preparation, review and amendment of coastal management plan have to be done with the participation of all stakeholders (arts.

Coastal Protection and Management (Coastal Management Districts) Regulation 2003.


This regulation implements the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995. It establishes coastal management districts, with the names and borders set the annexed schedules. Moreover, it amends Coastal Protection Regulation 2003 on matters related to the coastal management districts.

Implements: Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995. (2015-09-11)

Decreto Nº 180/03 - Ley de ordenamiento territorial.

Amérique centrale

La presente Ley establece que el ordenamiento territorial constituye una política de Estado que, incorporándolo a la planificación nacional, promueve la gestión integral, estratégica y eficiente de todos los recursos de la nación. Se crea el Consejo Nacional de Ordenamiento Territorial (CONOT) con la finalidad e proponer, concertar y dar seguimiento a las políticas y planes en materia de ordenamiento territorial.

Implementado por: Acuerdo Nº 25/04 - Reglamento general de la Ley de ordenamiento territorial. (2004-08-02)

Sand (Preservation) Act (XVI of 1949).

Europe méridionale

The present Act provides for the restriction on removal of sand. No person shall remove or carry away from any beach or sea shore or from any land or place, whether publicly or privately owned, any sand without a permit by the Director of Public Works. Section 7 establishes the penalties to be applied in case of contravention.

Loi nº 02-02 relative à la protection et à la valorisation du littoral.

Afrique septentrionale

La présente loi a pour objet de fixer les dispositions particulières relatives à la protection et à la valorisation du littoral. Elle porte définition du littoral et, à sen intérieur, de la zone côtière qui fait l'objet de mesures de protection et de valorisation spécifiques. Il est créé un commissariat national du littoral, organisme ayant pour mission d'établir un inventaire complet des zones côtières et qui servira a élaborer un système global d'informations et une cartographie des zones côtières. Il est institué un plan d'aménagement côtier.

Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act, 1999 (Cap. 387).

Afrique orientale

An Act to provide for the establishment of the National Environment Council, the National Environment Management Authority, the National Environment Trust Fund, the Environment Restoration Fund, the National Environment Action Plan Committee, the Standards and Enforcement Review Committee and the National Environment Tribunal, and to regulate various matters relating to the institutions established and various matters relating to protection of the environment including environmental impact assessment, environmental audit and monitoring of the environment.The Act consists of 143 sections div