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Act amending the Building Act.

Septembre, 2017

The present Act introduces some amendments to the Building Act of 11 December 2008. In particular, the Act amends article 66 dealing with innovative snow makers and snow making facilities. The article establishes that snowmaking may only be carried out on frozen ground and operation of the system must not result in excessive or negligible interference with neighbors. Chemical and biological additives are prohibited. The operation of the snowmaking system must not interfere with the ecology and water balance, especially with regard to water supply.

Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Telecommunication Facilities) Regulations 2016.

Novembre, 2016

These Regulations, consisting of 58 sections divided into four Parts and one Schedule, are made under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and establish the National Environmental Standards for Telecommunication Facilities. The regulations prescribe standards for installing and operating antennas, cabinets, small cell units, and telecommunication lines.

Decreto Nº 1.283 - Reglamento General de la Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales.

Décembre, 2016

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento General para la aplicación de la Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, que tiene por objeto regular la aplicación de la Ley Orgánica de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, de conformidad con los principios, finalidades, lineamientos de la política agraria de tierras y los derechos vinculados a la propiedad de la tierra rural y territorios ancestrales.Sobre las condiciones para determinar el cambio de la clasificación del uso del suelo rural, dispone que la Autoridad Agraria Nacional, a solicitud del Gobierno Autónomo Desc

Law amending the Law on hilly and mountainous areas.

Mars, 2005

This Law amends some issues part of the Law on hilly and mountainous areas (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 12/2002, 32/2002 and 117/2003).Major changes are related to the tax revenues income issues that are realized in the area with local self-government that have the status of mountainous areas (article 7).

Amends: Law on hilly and mountainous areas. (2002-01-25)

Land Law (No. 04/NA).

Octobre, 2003

This Law makes provision for the management and use of various types of land, including forestry and agricultural land.Land of Lao PDR shall be under the ownership of the national community and all organizations and individuals shall have the obligation to protect land to ensure that there is no soil erosion, land subsidence and soil degradation.The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry shall be in charge of managing agricultural land, forest land, submerged land, river banks, islands and recovered land.The Law, among other things, further provides for the following: land registration for th

Decision No. 260/QD-TTg the master plan on socio-economic development of Thai Nguyen province through 2020, with a vision toward 2030.

Février, 2015
Viet Nam

This Decision approves the master plan on socio-economic development of Thai Nguyen province through 2020, with a vision toward 2030 with the following principal contents in conformity with the national socio-economic development strategy, the national green growth strategy, Vietnam's sustainable development strategy, the master plan on socio-economic development of the northern midland and mountainous region, as well as sectoral master plans.

Law amending the Law on hilly and mountainous areas.

Novembre, 2013

This Law amends some articles provided by the Law on hilly and mountainous areas (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 12/2002, 32/2002, 117/2003, 42/2005, 90/2005 and 80/2008).Changes are related to the issues defining the income tax that is realized on local self-government held areas of the Republic of Croatia.

Amends: Law on hilly and mountainous areas. (2002-01-25)

Décret n° 76-098 du 18 juin 1976 portant modalité d'application de l'ordonnance n°10 du 5 mars 1976 relative à l'exercice et à l'organisation de la profession de géomètre au Togo.

Juin, 1978

Le présent décret fixe les modalité d'application de l’ordonnance n° 10 du 5 mars 1976 relative à l'exercice et à l’organisation de la profession de géomètre. A cet effet, ce texte rappelle la liste des travaux énumères à l’article premier de l’ordonnance susmentionnée. Par ailleurs, elle définit l’agrément, la procédure d’agrément et les infractions et sanctions, en application de l’article 5 de l’ordonnance n°10 du 5 mars 1976.

Met en oeuvre: Ordonnance n° 10 du 5 mars 1976 relative à l'exercice et à l’organisation de la profession de géomètre. (1976-03-05)

Law amending the Law on hilly and mountainous areas.

Décembre, 2014

This Law cancels certain provisions part of the Law on hilly and mountainous areas (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 12/2002, 32/2002, 117/2003, 42/2005, 90/2005, 80/2008 and 148/2013).Changes are regarding the cancellation of the provisions stipulated by the article 7c related to the income tax regime of the local self-government areas.

Amends: Law on hilly and mountainous areas. (2002-01-25)

Decree-Law No. 39/2017 amending Decree-Law No. 37/2014 on the special legal regime for the implementation of land cadastre in Sal, Boa Vista, Sao Vicente and Maio islands.

Septembre, 2017

This Decree-Law establishes the third amendment to Decree-Law No. 37/2014 of 23 July, amended by Decree-Law No. 44/2016 of 6 September, and by Decree-Law No. 52/2015 of 24 September. Amendments deal with the following specific requirements: Exemption from the payment of registration fees; Owners with two or more buildings; Safeguarding of produced effects;

Amends: Decree-Law No. 37/2014 establishing the special legal regime for the implementation of land cadastre in Sal, Boa Vista, Sao Vicente and Maio islands. (2014-07-22)

Law amending the Law on hilly and mountainous areas.

Juillet, 2005

This Law amends certain provisions stipulated by the the Law on hilly and mountainous areas (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 12/2002, 32/2002, 117/2003 and 42/2005).Changes are related to the tax regime and additional administration issues regarding the taxpayers working in the mountainous areas of the Croatian Republic (article 7).

Amends: Law on hilly and mountainous areas. (2002-01-25)