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Administrative regulations on the planning and construction of villages and towns.

June, 1993

These Regulations are formulated to strengthen the planning and construction management of villages and towns, improve the production and living environment thereof, and promote the development of rural economy and society.The planning of villages and towns shall be developed and supervised by the township level people's governments. Where villages and towns in areas where floods, earthquakes, typhoons, landslides and other natural disasters are prone to occur, the overall planning of villages and towns should include measures for disaster prevention.

Enforcement Decree of the Building Act.

May, 1992
Republic of Korea

The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe matters delegated by the Building Act as well as matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. Article 5 establishes the Central Building Committee under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport which shall investigate, deliberate on, conciliate, or adjudicate on the matters listed in this article.

Décret exécutif n° 16-55 du 22 Rabie Ethani 1437 correspondant au 1er février 2016 fixant les conditions et modalités d’intervention sur les tissus urbains anciens.

January, 2016

Le présent décret fixe les conditions et modalités d’intervention sur les tissus urbains anciens, ainsi que l’octroi de l’autorisation administrative, en application des articles 6, 8 et 9 de la loi n° 11-04 du 14 Rabie El Aouel 1432 correspondant au 17 février 2011 fixant les règles régissant l’activité de promotion immobilière.

Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936).

December, 2016

This Act provides with respect to local government and selected matters of local development and planning in Ghana. It, among other things, provides for the creation of district assemblies, metropolitan assemblies, district planning authorities, the Local Government Service, the District Assemblies Common Fund, Regional Co-ordinating Councils, and the Inter-Ministerial Co-ordinating Committee on Decentralisation. For purposes of Local governance, the districts in existence immediately before the commencement of this Act shall continue to exist.

Town and Country Planning Ordinance.

April, 1948
Antigua and Barbuda

The carrying out provisions of this Ordinance shall be vested in the Central Housing and Planning Authority (sect. 3). The Authority may make Regulation regarding procedures for the adoption of planning schemes and may by resolution decide to prepare, adopt, or vary a scheme. Those schemes shall be submitted to the Administrator in Council for approval under section 6. "Schemes" includes a town planning scheme, a regional scheme, a supplementary scheme and a scheme varying or revoking an existing scheme (sect. 2).

Resolución 420-E/2017 - Protocolo para el Abordaje de Procesos de Relocalización y Reurbanización de Villas y Asentamientos Precarios en la Cuenca Matanza Riachuelo.

December, 2017

Por medio de la presente Resolución, la Autoridad de Cuenca Matanza Riachuelo aprueba el Protocolo para el Abordaje de Procesos de Relocalización y Reurbanización de Villas y Asentamientos Precarios en la Cuenca Matanza Riachuelo.

Land Sector Framework 2009-2018 - "A prosperous, equitable & sustainable Land sector for Vanuatu".

National Policies
June, 2009

This Land Sector Framework (LSF) provides the foundation for a strategic plan to implement land sector reforms in Vanuatu. It is intended to guide government, the private sector and civil society in the use and management of Vanuatu’s land resources. The LSF is based on a Vision and a set of strategic objectives. It outlines implementation priorities for a LSF policy and activity agenda over a ten year period and builds upon the 2006 National Land Summit (NLS) resolutions and recent donor initiatives in the sector.

Land Code.

December, 1990

This Land Code is divided into the following Chapters: Fundamental provisions (1); Powers of local Soviets of People's Deputies and the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of regulation of land relationships (2); Possession and use (3); Withdrawal of lands (4); Land leasing (5); Cessation and transfer of the right of possession and right of use of land (6); Use of plots of land for survey work (7); Tax and rents on land (8); (Agricultural provisions), Basic provisions (9); Ownership of collective farms, State farms and other agricultural enterprises, institutions and organizations (10); lando