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Town and Country Planning Act.

January, 1958

This Act makes provision for the appointment of Town and Country Planning Authority, the constitution of the Advisory Planning Committee and the establishment of the Compensation Assessment Board and provides rules relative to the development of land and related matters.The Act grants the power to the Authority to issue development orders and prescribes conditions and procedures for the preparation, confirmation and modification of such orders and of provisional development orders. Development orders shall provide rules for the development of land in a specified area.

Decreto Nº 99 - Establece la obligatoriedad de la creación de la Unidad Administrativa ede Planificación y Ordenamiento Territorial en cada Municipio.

December, 2017

El presente Decreto establece que la creación de la Unidad Administrativa de Planificación y Ordenamiento Territorial es de carácter obligatorio en cada Municipio. Hasta tanto los Municipios no cumplan con lo señalado, el Ministerio de Vivienda y Ordenamiento Territorial, como autoridad urbanística nacional, seguirá aplicando las leyes, decretos, acuerdos, regulaciones, reglamentaciones y normas vigentes que rigen sobre la materia urbanística en el territorio nacional o municipal.

Ley Nº 14/2014 - Ley de Armonización y Simplificación en materia de Protección del Territorio y de los Recursos Naturales.

December, 2014

La presente Ley de Armonización y Simplificación en materia de Protección del Territorio y de los Recursos Naturales, tiene como finalidad incidir sobre la arquitectura del sistema territorial y medioambiental con el fin de eliminar rigideces innecesarias y clarificar las competencias que corresponden a los tres niveles administrativos (el del Gobierno de Canarias, el de los cabildos y el de los ayuntamientos), además de agilizar al máximo los procedimientos de formulación y aprobación de los instrumentos de planeamiento territorial, ambiental y urbanístico.Además, se propone revisar la nor

National Park Authorities (England) (Amendment) Order 2016 (S.I. No. 703 of 2016).

June, 2016
United Kingdom

This Order amends the National Park Authorities (England) Order 2015 by expanding the membership of Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority and providing with respect to development rights in as a consequence of the extension of the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Implements: National Park Authorities (England) Order 2015 (S.I. No. 770 of 2015). (2015-03-16)

Décret n° 2017-226 du 7 juillet 2017 fixant la composition, l’organisation et le fonctionnement du conseil national d'aménagement et de développement du territoire.

July, 2017

Le présent décret fixe, en application des dispositions de l'article 106 de la loi n° 43-2014 du 10 octobre 2014 d'orientation pour l'aménagement et le développement du territoire, la composition, l’organisation et le fonctionnement du conseil national d'aménagement et de développement du territoire. Le conseil national d'aménagement et de développement du territoire est charge de fixer les orientations générales pour l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre de la politique d'aménagement du territoire.

Land Registration Act Chapter 5.01.

March, 2006
Saint Lucia

The provisions of this Act shall apply only to land, interests in land, or dealings in land, registered under this Act. This Act sets forth organization, administration, duties, authorities and responsibilities of the Land Registry and registrars. A Registrar of Lands shall be appointed by the Public Service Commission to manage the Land Registry in accordance with this Act. The Land Registry includes a register in respect of every parcel which has been adjudicated in accordance with the Land Adjudication Act and a register in respect of each lease required by this Act to be registered.

Décret n° 2017-459 du 4 décembre 2017 portant création, attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du comité national d'orientation des zones économiques spéciales.

December, 2017

Le présent décret crée le comité national d'orientation des zones économiques spéciales, en application de l’article 3 alinéa 2 de la loi n° 24-2017 du 9 juin 2017 relative à la création des zones économiques spéciales, à la détermination de leur régime et de leur organisation. Le comité national d'orientation des zones économiques spéciales est charge de: fixer les orientations générales pour l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de la politique d'aménagement des zones économiques spéciales.

Building Law.

December, 2000

The present Law lays down provisions relating to building technology and building equipment, as well as to special environmental, health and energy requirements of buildings. Furthermore, the Law also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Law.

Town and Country Planning (Trelawny Parish) Provisional Development Order, 2013 (Confirmation) Notification, 2015 (No. 61A of 2015).

May, 2015

This Order, made under section 7 of the Town and Country Planning Act, confirms and amends the Town and Country Planning (Trelawny Parish) Provisional Development Order, 2013. Minor amendments are made to provisions concerning, among other things, use classes, a planning role for the Jamaica National Heritage Trust, and the list of national monuments.

Amends: Town and Country Planning (Trelawny Parish) Provisional Development Order, 2013 (No. 89B of 2013). (2013-06-21)

Land Acquisition Act Chapter 5.04.

August, 2000
Saint Lucia

This Act sets forth procedures and principles of acquiring any land by the Government for public purposes. The acquisition of lands for public purposes shall only be made by the declaration of the Governor General. In addition, the Governor General may authorize officers for a preliminary survey or other investigation of the land, for the purchase of the land, for setting the borders of the acquired land, and for gathering information. The Governor General may state a decision for the abandonment of acquisition at any time before any land has been acquired compulsorily.