Forests, food security, hunger and poverty eradication: FAO’s work on the Sustainable Development Goals and the role of forests
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/5.1
Session: Sess. 23
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/5.1
Session: Sess. 23
Le prsent numro d'Unasylva examine les dfis que doit relever la vulgarisation forestire et les efforts dploys actuellement en ce sens.
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/7.1
Session: Sess. 23
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
Programmes to reduce emissions from deforestation and ecosystem degradation, such as REDD+ and other forestry incentive programmes, including Payment for Environmental Services (PES), could represent an opportunity to strengthen processes of conservation, sustainable usage and poverty reduction in the Mesoamerican region, particularly in indigenous territories and communities.
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/6.1 Rev.1 (English only)
Session: Sess. 23
Ce numro d'Unasylva se penche sur divers aspects de la situation globale du financement de la foresterie et met en lumire certains secteurs qui pourraient - ou devraient - se mobiliser davantage. Il s'appuie en partie sur le matriel prsent l'Atelier de Pretoria (Afrique du Sud) de juin 1996 sur les mcanismes financiers et les sources de financement en faveur d'une foresterie durable.
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/9
Session: Sess. 23
This publication is a result of a close collaboration between FAO and RECOFTC - the Centre for People and Forests. Many colleagues from both the FAO and RECOFTC as well as other training and tenure experts have provided useful comments and suggestions over the course of developing the materials. This module is designed for training involving a mix of participants interested in contributing to more effective forest tenure policy and programmes.
19 July 2016, 18:30-9:50
Pakistan Room, FAO HQ, RomeThis COFO23 Side-Event aims to strengthen the knowledge on national forest assessments, introducing and sharing information about new FAO’s publications and related web portals developed by FAO’s partners.La publication contribuera à la sortie 3 du plan de travail du Mécanisme de la restauration des forêts et des paysages (RFP) 2015-2016 (par exemple, la poursuite du développement / mise en œuvre des efforts RFP aux niveaux mondial / régional est pris en charge par la gestion des connaissances, la communication et la sensibilisation - mobilisation de ressources financières pour la RFP)